Arc 3 - Conviction - Chapter 21: Mock

Start from the beginning

The three nodded in agreement.

Izuku then looked to the others, "I should let you all know that some of these things come with Regeneration, some are slower at regenerating, others are quick, even if they don't have regeneration, kill them," Izuku told them, "Don't aim for anywhere else, straight for the head, got it?" He asked.

They all nodded.

Izuku nodded back, "I'm also not going to sugarcoat it... some of them have intelligence and personality, don't let that stop you, kill them," He said.

They all nodded again, but a sense of dread filled them, one thing they also discovered about Nomu from Izuku was that they were reanimated corpses of people, and while most if not all were mindless beasts, some were smarter and more intelligent, making them somewhat... human.

However, Izuku was right, they couldn't let that stop them, on a mission like this, they had to choose.

Live or Die.

The choice was easy.

The students ran toward the base and when they did, they heard the sounds of fighting taking place, from a distance they saw the fighting happening, and they heard the roars and cries of the Nomu as they charged at the Heroes, and Izuku heard the firing if Gutz canon, but they quickly made their way to the base and thankfully, saw an entrance made by a body if a dead Nomu, Izuku, and Tetsutetsu quickly moved the body and then they all went inside to rescue Toru and the other civilians.

As they rushed down the corridor they found themselves in when they entered, Izuku was surprised that no Nomu had come at them yet, which made him very suspicious.

'Either the person running this place hasn't noticed us yet, or we're heading for a trap,' Izuku thought.

Suddenly, there was a ding that rang across the entire hallway and they stopped, wondering what that sound meant and what was going to happen next, as they quickly went on guard.

[Hello there children, welcome to where the greatest creations are born] Came a voice over some speakers.

Setsuna had a worried look on her face, "Who the hell is that!?" She asked.

Izuku's expression hardened into a glare, "Garaki," He seethed.

Awase looked at Izuku with a raised brow, "Who?"

"The fucker that created the Nomu's," He said.

Itsuka glared, "So this sick bastard was most likely the one who attacked us," She said.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah," He said coldly.

[Ah, if it isn't Izuku Midoriya! My, my, my, what an odd turn of events, first Toru Hakgure and now you, my it's like you're here for a reunion with an old friend] Garaki said over the speakers

Izuku was confused, "What the hell are you going on about? Where is Toru?" Izuku asked.

Garaki chuckled over the speakers, [Don't worry, the girl is safe, I won't harm a hair on her,] Garaki said, [But as I said, it's like fate, for you three to be here in one place]

Izuku quickly realized what he was referring to and glared, 'So he is here!' Izuku thought. "If he's here... I'll kill him," Izuku seethed.

[You can try] Garaki told him with an amused tone, [For now, enjoy the little friends I'm sending your way]

The speakers turned off and the group heard a roar and looked ahead of them, that's when they saw a few Nomu appearing from around the corner and rushing toward them, but thankfully, none of them seemed to be too powerful.

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