Zhan loved sex and had no shame. He loved to take the initiative and loved that his husband let him do whatever he wanted, but the one thing Xuan didn't like was Zhan's dirty talk. He had met Zhan when they were both very young. Zhan was shy and timid and that's what he loved about him. When they first had sex, it was Xuan who was teaching all sort of things to Zhan who would then turn beet red. Over the years though Zhan had become so shameless wanting to try everything humanly possible. He'd say the dirtiest things and sometimes Xuan had to cover his mouth or stop him in the middle of sex.

You're being so shameless. Where's my innocent Zhan Zhan?

"Mmm... I love how deep it is inside me," Zhan whispered into his husband ear and then began to kiss and bite his neck. "Ah...It's so deep. I love your cock deep inside of me." Xuan continued to bite and suck his hard nipples while at the same time grabbing onto Zhan's round and smooth buttocks, helping him go up and down on his shaft. Xuan's breathing became faster and louder. Zhan began to ride him even faster, "Cum for me baby. Cum inside me. I want to feel it all in me." Xuan let out a grunt as he came deep inside Zhan. "I love you, baby," Zhan whispered.

Xuan got up from the couch still holding Zhan. He held onto his husband's ass while he walked to the bedroom and gently laid him down. He then made his way to Zhan's member giving him the same release he did a few minutes prior and put it in his mouth. He began to suck on it slowly. "Baby faster... please," Zhan whispered, his voice hoarse. He rubbed his own nipples to achieve maximum pleasure as his husband took his hardened member deep into his mouth. Within seconds Zhan reached his orgasm. Xuan pulled the pulsing member out just in time and cum shot out onto Zhan's stomach. His husband took a moment to calm himself down. He stared at Zhan who was under him covered in sweat and cum. He fell over to the side and turned his back to Zhan.

"Goodnight," he said and fell asleep.

The next morning, they both woke up a sticky mess from the night before. Zhan managed to convince Xuan to shower with him. He had promised him they'd just shower but knowing Zhan it ended with both of them reaching orgasms. Zhan had to quickly microwave last night's soup so they could eat breakfast together even if it was only for 10 minutes. He quickly packed his lunch and kissed him goodbye.

"I'll see you for dinner. Love you! Enjoy your lunch babe!"

Zhan took the dishes he took out of his husband lunch bag from the day before and realized that everything was still in the containers intact. Zhan sighed. He felt so bad that his husband was working long hours and didn't have time to eat his lunch. This was the first time in all those years of marriage that his lunch had come back intact. He threw away the leftovers in the trash and washed the dishes.

Zhan spent the morning doing all the daily chores and then sat down in front of the computer. He continued looking at the same webpage he had been looking at all summer. The college admissions page. He wanted to continue his studies and finish his degree. All he needed was two semesters to get his bachelor's in business management. He figured that now would be the best time especially since his husband is working hard for the both of them. Soon to be three.

He had asked his husband earlier in the summer if he could finish his degree, but Xuan kept insisting he didn't need to finish his career and that he would take care of him for the rest of life.

There's no point in you going. You won't need to work. I want you to be at home with the kids.

Zhan thought differently. He wanted to have something to fall back on just in case. Xuan had finished his degree in advertisement. He gets paid well, but who knows if things might change. He also didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of his husband. He loved to buy things, but really has to hold back because he felt he didn't deserve any of that money.

He decided to go for it. He figured his husband would be okay with it. Especially now with the baby coming. He began to look for the classes he needed and saw that many of them were online classes. He had no desire to go to the campus. He was already 30 and most of the students on campus were fresh out of high school around 18 years old. He thought about it over the course of the day. 4 classes this semester and then 3 the next and he would be done. Classes would be online, and he had all day every day to work on assignments. The baby wouldn't be here until the end of the spring semester. It was a perfect plan. He figured his husband would be happy.

After giving it a lot of thought he finally enrolled. He signed up for the classes and paid the tuition for the semester. He would talk to his husband when he got home. Zhan thought that for sure he would agree. He just had to.

That night his husband didn't get home until 11 pm. Xuan found Zhan sound asleep on the couch. He gently carried him to bed and went back to the kitchen to put away the dinner that was left uneaten.

The same thing happened the rest of the week. On Friday night Zhan stayed up until his husband arrived home. It was past midnight and he wanted to set up a date night with him for the weekend. When he heard the front door open, he walked over to his husband and gave him a kiss, but his husband pulled back.

"Babe?" Xuan continued to take off his shoes and suit jacket. He placed his briefcase on the table. Zhan went in for a hug. Then he wrinkled his nose. Cigarette smoke and alcohol. "Where were you?"

"Don't be mad," he said with a sigh.

"So then answer me," Zhan answered back crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

"We finished our contract with the hotel and the CEO invited us to the club they just opened up."

"So, you drank and smoked?"

"I drank a little."

"It's so late and you drove home? What if something happened to you? You want to leave me a widower with a child on the way?

"Don't be so dramatic."

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried. Next time just tell them you had plans or something. I feel like I haven't seen you much this week," he sulked. Zhan hugged him again. "I missed you." It's been a crazy week. I feel so lonely without you." He tried to kiss him again.

Xuan moved his head again. "I need to shower. I hate the smell of smoke."

"Mm... I think it's kind of hot. We can pretend we met at the club," he whispered into his ear before giving it a soft nibble. He began to pull on his tie pulling him closer to him.

"Stop! Let me go shower. I'm really tired. It has been a long week and I've only been getting 4 hours max of sleep daily." Xuan rubbed his temple and began to remove his tie.

Zhan pouted. "Fine... but you owe me. Can we go to the club tomorrow? We haven't gone in a long time."

"We'll see," is all he said as he walked into the bathroom. Zhan quickly followed, but to his surprise the door was locked. Zhan went to bed unsatisfied.

The next morning Zhan awoke at his usual time. His husband was sound asleep next to him. He hugged him tightly from behind and began to kiss his neck.

"Mmm.... Let me sleep please," his husband said, moving away from Zhan.

"Fine... go to sleep, but let me do whatever I want to you... please?"

"No... let me sleep."

Zhan began to stroke him, but Xuan pulled his hand away and flipped over, removing all access to his member.

Zhan pouted and decided to take a hot steamy shower.

Zhan pouted and decided to take a hot steamy shower

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Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! 

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