chapter three: valentine's day

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February 14th,

On Valentine's Day, Nova sat behind the cash register in the flower shop with a bad mood. Today she had already sold hundreds of flowers surrounded by happy couples.

"Nova don't look so sad, chica" her mother Maria told her.

But she just rolled her eyes, "I'd really like to go home Ma, do you still need help?"

Her mother sighed, "Could you stay one more hour, please?"

Nova nodded and went into the storage room where her sister Adriana was sitting with her husband Johnny. They both made bouquets while flirting with each other.

Her sister smiled at her, and when Nova saw a box of chocolates at the table, she got cravings, "Can I have some?" she asked her sister with a grin.

"Sure" she replied.

Nova took the chocolates and after almost eating the whole box, her brother-in-law started talking, "And Nova, what are you doing today?"

She glared at him annoyed, "Very funny, Johnny"

She had no problem with him, in fact she got along very well with her sister and her husband, they were like second parents to Nova.

But today she was just in a bad mood. It was Valentine's Day and she was single. She no longer pursued her original plan to get her ex Jake back, since he already had a new girlfriend. And even better, two weeks ago she found out that he had cheated on Nova during the relationship with that new girlfriend. So yeah, Nova spent the last few weeks crying and watching the same tv-series over and over again.

"You can come home with us if you like, the kids would be happy. You know they love you" her sister told her with a smile.

Nova loves her sister's kids. There was 10 year old Gianna, and the 8-year old twins Mateo and Emma. And they are the nicest kids Nova knows. But still she doesn't want to spend Valentine's Day with her nieces and nephew.

"Thank you for the offer, but I wanna stay home today" Nova replied.

The three talked about family while preparing more bouquets until their mother called Nova. She grabbed the box of chocolates and went back to the front.

"Yes Ma?"

"I have to tell you something. When Pa was cutting the hedges recently, he noticed that we have a new neighbor. We invited him straight away. And oh my god, you won't believe me, he's perfect for you. A 30 year old doctor who is handsome and extremely polite and courteous. I told him that I would like to introduce him to my daughter" Nova's mother Maria told her.

"What? Why would you do that?" she asked her mother.

"I- uh I thought you'd like to meet him? He's so nice, you know? And he's single. He has the whole big house to himself, imagine you fall in love and you can move in with him - then we would be neighbors!"

"Ma please stop matchmaking me. That's really embarrassing"

"But baby, I'm just worried about you. Ever since that happened with Jake you've been so sad, I just don't want you to be alone, you know?" her mother sad with a sigh.

"I'm not alone, I have you guys, and Katie. That's all I need" she told her mother honestly. Nova loves her family, and her best friend Katie.

"Okay, Chica, I just want you to be happy" her Ma replied with a smile and hugged her.

Almost an hour later, just before Nova wanted to leave, the door to the shop opened again. She sighed softly and decided to talk to that one more customer before she would go home.

𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 (javier peña) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now