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A red sports car drifts down the lonely highway at high speed before a food cart crosses the road disrupting it's motion as the driver of the car tries, to no avail to swerve and avoid getting into traffic but tragically the car crashes into a nearby tree at high speed and the windows of the car shatter. The driver is unconscious, soaked in their own blood as pieces of glass are embedded into their body. For a full five minutes no one drives by and the car catches fire slowly beginning to burn until a black Mercedes Benz, also seemingly in a rush stops and a young man alights. Rushing to the driver's seat, he sees no sign of life but decides to take the patient with him. Changing the t-shirt she is wearing which is now fully red and a part of it is on fire, he places his black jacket on her pulling her out slowly and carrying her to the car after which he drives off to Seoul Hospital. Back at the crash site the car explodes causing even the tree to crumble and burn down, by the time officers arrive they cannot identify the model of the car or anything but DNA testing confirms the identity of the driver as Kwon Ri-Hannah. The detectives knowing the road is deserted and barely has anyone on it and also no CCTV cameras rule out the possibility of there being a savior. Also, there is enough DNA in the car for detectives to confirm that indeed the driver died and their body was burned to ashes. Back at the hospitals the patient is in such a bad condition that they will require multiple surgeries to even give her a surviving chance. Doctors are however skeptical at their possibility of survival as even at arrival the patients seemed to be in a superconscious state, the state between life and death, and one which is medically regarded to as a comatose. The lead doctor of the case knowing there is nothing to lose with trying decides to take the risk and operate.

On the floor above is the savior of the lady who had left soon as he handed her over to the doctors. He seems busy trying to look for someone. On the other hand a well-dressed man officiates the adoption of a baby from one affluent family into the other. Both parents seem content with the decision and after the hand off the couples part ways. Our savior also finds who he was looking for, peeking into a room and seeing a couple enjoying their time. However, irritated at the sight he walks off before bumping into a nurse

Oh, Dong-Woo, you are here?

Dong-Woo: Well, yes I...

Nurse: Donating blood? She says

Dong-Woo: Yes, that's it. I came to donate blood he lies and the nurse directs him to where he can donate

As they engage in small conversation the nurse fills him in on how he has saved many lives with his continuous blood donation. However they are disrupted by another nurse rushing in and requesting blood.

...We have a severe case, we need about three pints of blood and also some bone marrow matter

Nurse: We don't harvest bone marrow matter

Can't we ask him? The OR nurse says looking to Dong-Woo

Nurse: Hey, that's too much she comments

Dong-Woo: Am happy to help. Will it require surgery?

Nurse: No just a long needle, and it will be painful. It's not advisable

Dong-Woo: Someone is on the operating bed fighting for their life, am sure a bit of pain is something I can handle he says as the blood bag gets full and it's pulled out

OR Nurse: is that O neg?

Nurse: Yes

Or Nurse: Then get me that and two others

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