Part I - One

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A person didn't have to be a saint or angel to be nice. All they needed was a sense of morality to be acceptable and kind. 

Because being good or bad was always an option. 

The better you think, the better you will become. That's what his mother always told him, and Sunoo never thought of himself as a good person. 

He was bad.  

But that didn't mean he always being bad towards others. 

Maybe a few? 

Beep. Beep. Beep...

For the past half an hour he'd been there, there was no sign of this person going to wake up. But, that was expected. Because who would have been in a great condition after being beaten so hard by a group of people? 

Sunoo stared at the ECG monitor in front with nothingness in his eyes. The machine had shown a steady heartbeat rate of the unconscious person on the bed. 

Oh Sungmin. 

That was written on the board at the front bed. 

And he was the only person Sunoo ever got close to in school. 

Sungmin had been hospitalized for two months now and Sunoo always felt guilty about it. There was always regret in him whenever he thought about Sungmin. If he was there that day, none of this going to happen. Sunoo was sure Sungmin would be here joking around and talking about so many random things with him, also treating him to that ice cream parlour they usually frequent. 

But now all he could do was visit him in these suffocating four walls. Talking to no one but an unconscious person that nobody knew if he ever listened to what he said or not. 

Two months had passed and there was still no justice coming toward Sungmin. 

The other day, he saw an unfamiliar man visit the ward and requested Sungmin's parents to withdraw the report they made toward the bullies. Sunoo suspected he was the attorney hired by one of the bully's parents. 

It was pretty intense and made Sunoo so furious. 

These wicked people would never admit their mistakes. Instead, they're using their power and position to keep the victim shut. 

As a good friend, Sunoo decided to take this matter into his own hands. He would risk anything and everything as long as he could see Sungmin again. He'd rather be a villain and evil for the sake of his friend. 

But, the first thing he needed to do was hunt down those bastards and play around them like a predator did with their prey. And only after that, he would pay them back worse. He would make sure none of them could see the light ahead of them. 

So, how does it feel like to punch someone in their face, you might ask?


Sunoo would say it was satisfying. Especially when the punch was so hard that it made the other person's nose bleed and broke one or two of their front teeth. Though the stinging pain on the knuckles could be felt vividly, it was not as bad as the pleasure blooming inside him after he saw the aftereffect.

He could not help but curl his lips upward, forming a little smirk on his face, watching the person he beat fall to the ground, wincing in pain. 

This is very satisfying. 

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