The boy with a cruel life and the dead girl

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(A/N : Hi guys! This one shot is basically about Pip being bullied at school. I kinda sprung off of a story that my friend was telling my and I thought that it would make a great one-shot. Hope you guys enjoy! Love, Al.)

Pip has always had troubles with anxiety.

It's always haunted her like she was always dragging a ball and chain. Always dragging her down.

And unfortunately, that heavy feeling in her chest had kept her up all night long.

Why was she stressed? Well, tomorrow was her first day of highschool...well, kind of her first day of high school.

You see, Pippa had always been a great student and her parents wanted the best for her which meant sending her to private schools that were way too expensive for the Fitz-Amobi's so finally when Pip had had enough, she suggested that maybe she should just go to Fairview High with all her friends. It took them some convincing but they finally agreed that this would make Pip the happiest. So now she was transferring as a Sophomore.

But that wasn't what made her nervous. It was the people that made her tremble. Although Pip was a good person and well respected by most, Pip was also bullied by a girl named Jessica Hastings. Ever since Pip was in kindergarten, she would just remember Jessica also making her life miserable. Last time that they encounter, Jessica had 'accidentally' dropped an explosive bottle of Coca Cola on her, and it was one of those party sized bottles, not one of the little ones.

Just the fact that Jess and older students would be looking down on her and her talent just made her shiver under her sheets.

But at least her best friend would be there, right?


"Sorry Muchacha, but I feel absolutely awful."

"Come on! Can't you just pop an advil?"

"Nope. Dad isn't letting me. And he's a teacher, which is really saying something because I'm a main contributor to his salary...and his expenses but whatever."

This was the worst possible thing that could've happened on Pip's first day of school at Fairview. Her best friend, her ride or die, her crutch...was sick with the flu, cemented on her bed.

"Please! Don't! I'll have no one!"

"Oh come on! You'll have Connor! And you've met my friends, Ant and Lauren, they're super nice...well kinda."

"What do you mean by 'kinda'?!?!"

"Okay. listen to me, Pippycorn."

Pip stood in the middle of the room that she'd been pacing for the last 15 minutes. Waiting for Cara on the other line to start speaking.

"You're a great student. You'll have one of your best friends; Connor, by your side. Shit! You'll even have my dad on your side-"

Pip heard a faint yell from Mr. Ward from the other line, lecturing Cara on cursing inside the house but of course, Cara had a cheeky excuse for it.

"Shut up, Dad! I'm giving Ms. Fitz-Amobi one of my famously heart-warming, tear-jurkering speeches!"

'fine. okay. but please refrain from cursing.'

"Okay! Now where was I? Oh right! You'll do amazing, Pip! You have nothing to fear! And if you're thinking, 'Well, what about Jessica Hasting?', fuc- I mean screw her! 'Cause no one messes with MY PIP!"

"Ugh! Fine! I'll go! But if I get publicly ridiculed, I'm blaming you" as Pip's words came out of her mouth, She pointed her finger into the air as if she were talking to Cara in person.

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