I draw with silver and it turns red.

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|Sodo's pov|

When I first saw Sunny, I  was shocked

She looked so hurt, I could feel her loneliness.. I was standing in front of her door and couldn't figure out what was standing there.

She had a little sign on the door, which said Sunny, but it was beautifully written in cursive and I can't read that for fucks sake..

Sunny didn't really speak loud she was rather quiet. But she had some additude.

Still, I thought she looked fucking sick. She had a beautiful face, yes, but she looked so.. sad? Scared? I don't know..

So in the evening I was getting ready for bed. Unfortunately, my room was next to hers.

She was crying. That's all I thought at the moment I heard sobbing.

I felt sorry for her and wondered what she had been through. But I was scared of knocking in her door. What if she hates me after that, and I don't even get a chance to talk to her anymore.

It was silent for a minute, but then she started to almost scream while crying.. fuck that broke my hear a little. I mean, I'm not the person to feel just a little bit bad for anyone but that sobs..

Suddenly, she turned on the shower? I didn't think much of it but when she started yelling "JUST LET ME FUCKING DIE" I panicked

Suddenly something inside of me turned
I ran to Copias office as fast as I can and knocked

"Oh Satan, Sodo what's wrong?" Copia said as I stood there out of breath

"P-please don't tell anyone that it was me that told you b-but.. I think there is something wrong with Sunny." I said almost forgetting to breathe

"What do you mean?" Copia asked and looked panicked now..

"She.. she cried and then turned on the shower..and then..then..she yelled "JUST LET ME FUCKING DIE" and I didn't know what to do so I ran here.."

Copia just grabbed my hand and we walked to her room

"Go to your room Sodo, get some sleep.."

I nodded

|Copias pov|

When Sodo came to me and told me what had just happened I panicked..

I knocked.. no response
I knocked again.. still nothing

I just walked into her room and she was laying in bed. She was pale.

"Hey.. Sunny.." I whispered, which made her flinch a bit

I checked if she was still alive.. Oh, thank Satan she was still alive..

A tear fell from my cheek as I sat next to her bed. She looked so tired worse than before

"Oh.. why are you saying things like that amore mio..?" I asked myself

I brushed her hair out of her face and looked at her tired little eyes..

I didn't really know what to do now, so I let her sleep. I went to Sodos' room, and he sat on his bed, fiddling with his hands

"Sleep.." I mumbled to him

"Copia? Is she okay?" Sodo asked me shyly

"I don't really know.. she looks completely broken if you ask me.." I told him

"Can you stay until I fall asleep..?" He asked me, which made me chuckle a bit

I know those ghouls since their kits and sodo were always a mean one, but actually, he just needs some love

"Of course, Sodo.." I sat on his couch where he could see me and hummed a bit, which made him get calmer

After 15 minutes, he was surely deep asleep, so I left and took one last look at Sunny..

|in the morning/Sunnys pov|

"Maybe she is just tired.." someone said

"Or dead.." Someone else said

That made me snap. I  woke up as if i had just had a nightmare.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I panicked

"C-copia.." I managed to mumble

"Hey..calm down, sweetheart.. take it easy. " Copia brushed his hand over my back, and I calmed down a bit

"What happened?" I asked, confused because Copia and three Ghould were standing in my Room

"Sunny.. it's already 3 pm.. and a ghoul told me yesterday that you were crying and yelling." Copia said, worried

"Uh.. that was nothing.. don't worry. " I tried to smile, but I couldn't..

Why the fuck can't I smile?!
Guess I'm just fully broken now..

Copia then made sure I was feeling alright and gave me something to eat..

I then went to the library to read a bit
But then I saw that dumb ghoul from the Cafeteria again. And he was staring

I just ignored him, but suddenly he was next to me.

"W-what are you reading..?" He asked with a shy voice

I closed my book for him to read the title

"D-do, you l-like the book so far?" He asked again

"Mhm.." I responded

He was actually pretty nice, but I had no interest in getting attached to anyone at the moment..

"Can I stay here.. n-next to you?" He questioned in a quiet voice

Just like me.. I don't like talking too..

"If you want to.." I told him

"Why should I not want to?" He asked gently, trying not to make me mad..

He probably knew that I was not too interested at the moment..

"Uhh.. I don't know.." I mumbled

He then came even closer and looked inside my book.. there were some pictures. I guess he was looking at those..

I read for almost 2 hours now.. and I guess the ghoul next to me liked my company since he fell asleep on my shoulder

Seems like he was lonely, too.
The library lady gave us a blanket, and soon I fell asleep too

We both just slept until the afternoon.
A ghoul stood in front of me, looking at me weirdly

"What?" I said with a raspy voice

"What are you doing here?" The ghoul asked

"Sleeping.." I mumbled

"Should I take him to his room?" He asked me, but why would I care

"I don't give a fuck what you do with him.."I answered cold and tried to walk away

"Why do you even hate everyone..? You have no reason to!" The ghoul said

"Oh.. you don't fucking know.. it's nothing against you but stop trying to get into my business.." I said in a hurt voice

"Sorry.. oh btw I'm Swiss. And that is Rain.." He smiled

"Mhm.. good to know.. " I walked away

I walked away to my room and closed the door behind me
I was kinda hungry, so I decided to get something from our kitchen in the common room

I walked in and.. all eyes on me
What was there dumb problem?

| Hi guys, I hope you like the story so far:)
If you have any wishes for what could happen, just let me know!

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