Tommy: yea

Wilbur: oh tommy your mom needs you

Tommy: ok!

Bad: pls don't yell

Tommy: oh I sorry Mr. Bad

Bad: it's okay Tommy I forgive you

Tommy: thanks, now I must go and find my mom bye

Wilbur: bye

Bad: bye

Wilbur: what did you do to Tommy

Bad: ooo, I just change him

Wilbur: why? He did nothing to do you

Bad: because it just part of contract

Wilbur: you Lerally helped quackity and Sam with Tommy when they found him

Bad: I know and that's why he is my first target

Wilbur: why can't no body leave him alone

Bad: because he so naive and love meeting people and trying to make people happy and is quiet sometimes and knows to keep people secrets even in the people in L'manburg

Wilbur: secrets... - we people in L'manburg keep secrets from each other

Bad: don't worry you find out to and wilbur don't lie you have secrets to right?

Wilbur: how you kn-

Bad: I got my ways now I must go say hi to any

With Tommy after walking through out the woods

Quackity: hey Tommy!

Tommy: hey mom :)

Quackity: guess what you know the wedding I having with tubbo's dad right?

Tommy: yeah?

Quackity: me and schlatt gave you the role as flower girl or we can call it flower boy

Tommy:.... -

Quackity: and tubbo can be the one giving the rings

Tommy: why am I the flower boy

Quackity: because it fits you ok

Tommy: fine, I be the flower boy

Quackity: yay! Now let's find you and tubbo clothes as flower boy and the ring bearer

Tommy: ok

Quackity: by the way did you see tubbo??

Tubbo: I here!

Quackity: there you are

Tubbo: so do you need something?

Quackity: yes, tubbo, you be the person giving the rings to me and your dad in the wedding and Tommy will be the flower boy so we gotta find you clothes as flower boy and ring bearer

Tubbo: ok!

Tommy: umm, I gotta get going Wilbur needs me

Quackity: ok

After Tommy left

Quackity: he is acting weird

Tubbo: you notice to?

Quackity: yea

Tubbo: oh, bc he been acting like that when he follow bad after we ran into him with red eyes

Quackity: well this morning I ran into him to but he had white eyes but he say that he saw something and left and came back with red eyes

Tubbo: weird because me and ora notice him with the red eyes

Quackity: bad, may had did something to  him

Tubbo: true but for now me and ora and you gotta act dumb for now

Meanwhile Tommy was behind the trees and listening to them

Tommy: they are catching up, I should do something like making them three to join the eggpire but for now gotta act normal

After Tommy listen to them and making a plan he went to find badboyhalo and ant and saw badboyhalo bringing him into the egg

Bad: look ant, isn't the egg really pretty

Ant: bad, is just a egg how it special??

Bad: oh, it gives you whatt you want and would never betray you or try to hurt you

Ant: bad, are you sure

Bad: if you don't believe me than ask Tommy he had what he want and got treated well

Tommy: truth, the egg is really important to us but now you can worth ship it

Bad: see, just join us

After manipulate ant like bad did to Tommy he slowly started to join them and getting red eyes from the manipulation

Bad/Tommy: join us

Ant:.... -

Tommy: welcome ant to the eggpire

Ant: thank you Tommy and you two are right the egg is special

Bad: see, you finally starting to get it

Tommy: who next in the list

Bad: next is puffy...

                                      To be continued....

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