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Calum was walking on the road on his way home from his last day of school. People had been teasing him, making him feel terrible and making him blame myself. After all these years of what Calum considered torture, things were finally getting better - well, almost.

Calum could've sworn he saw a boy with colorful hair glare at him on his way back to his house. Maybe it was just his vivid imagination. He didn't let it phase him, assuming he would never see the guy again in his life.

Sure enough, Calum got home to his parents fighting. That was the one thing that was kept constant ever since he was born and it never changed. As he got older, it got worse because it began to effect him emotionally. He would think it was his fault that his parents were stressed. He thought that he was the reason that his parents were fighting. Even though that wasn't true, that idea was stuck in his mind.

Calum ran upstairs to his room to try and ignore the argument and forget about it. All he wanted was an escape.

Author's Note: Hi! So this is the first part of my new Malum story. I hope you enjoy it! Once again, this story is based off of the music video for Kids In The Dark by All Time Low. The scenes in the story are very similar to the scenes in the video. -Megan :-)

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