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Goku: "Hey it's me Goku!"

Sonic: "And Sonic here! We're back for another story of..."

Goku & Sonic: "Wattpad Takeover 3!!"

Goku: "Since you guys gave us lots of new questions to answer, we had an awesome time chit-chatting our hang out! Man, so crazy!"

Sonic: "You're telling me. If we don't have fans or readers it would be a let down on depression. It sucks for us just waiting and being bored all day."

Goku: "Yeah..."

Goku: "Before we begin, we brought 2 special guests here with us to our 4th group event today. They should be right about..."

Raven: "BOO!"

Goku & Sonic: "GAH!!"

Sonic: "Raven!? What are you doing here?"

Raven: "Goku invited me here for this boring question group in the story. I'm starting to get the feeling this is going to be a long boring conversation. I want to get back my tribe."

Raven: "But after this is over he promised me we'll have our next rivalry match battle to settle things this place and this time without delay."

Raven: "No one and I mean no one will interfere with us or things will get very worse personally."

Sonic: "Eh, right..."

Sonic: "It's always about fighting with Goku to all the people."

Goku: 😅

Sonic: "So who else is here next?"

Aeos: "Hi Sonic!"

Sonic: "Uh, oh, Aeos! What a surprise to see you again! I never expect you're here for the 4th story after all."

Goku: "I only invited them because they felt a little bored doing nothing in their different places so now we're all here. Let's get this fun started!"

Goku: "Alright guys, be sure to leave some questions to us and we'll reply to ya in a comment. Don't worry, take your time thinking at no hesitation once so ever. This is gonna be an awesome day for our next cool group question to all our fans ever!"

Raven: "I don't have fans because they hate me. After all I'd done complicated situations for the past I failed Summer and family that I had no choice but to go back to my tribe. Without a leader they'll be history just like I lost everything."

Goku: "Hey don't be like that. It's from the dark past you'd done awfully wrong about it. I mean you changed inside your heart that gives you good. There's loved ones that support you to never lose sight of your instinct. Plus your daughter Yang and all of your family loves you. No more depression, lonely red girl and turn your frown upside down like everyone does. Don't forget Shenron revived Summer Rose and everyone in your world is all brought back to life thanks to me."

Raven: ...

Sonic: "Well sometimes you get a little...aggressive."


Sonic: "Ow!'

Raven: "What was that?"

Sonic: "Eh nothing..."

Raven: "(Sign) Okay I guess it'll be fine. I'll join your group. What's the worst that could happen?"

Sonic: "Trust us it won't. I'm telling ya we got like hundreds or thousands readers viewing fanfiction books about how we're famous heroes and adventurers we saved everyone of like every year. No take any break of this responsibility from action battles."

Sonic: "Okay without wasting any more time. Let's get this party started like we always do!"

Aeos: "Share your interesting questions to us and we'll answer you all mortals."

Goku: "See ya all later!"

SDBH x RWBY x Sonic: Wattpad Takeover 3Where stories live. Discover now