Chapter 8

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 Hazel woke up the next day, blissfully unaware of the day's plan.

Until it hit her like a brick. She took a quick breath and sat up, running her hands over her face. It was too early for this. She needed something to eat before she thought about how she and Ominis were going to have to make sure Sebastian didn't get too excited or risky in the restricted section.

She pulled herself out of bed and went to the Great Hall alone. She was surprised to see both Sebastian and Ominis awake. Sebastian usually waited for as long as he could before getting up.

"Hi." She said. Ominis scooched to the side and Sebastian looked up at her, mouth full and briefly surprised before moving to make room. She sat down in between them.

"You're up early, Sebastian." She noted lightly, as food appeared before her. Sebastian chewed quickly and swallowed before answering her.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." He had the decency to look ashamed. "I understand why you would be hesitant about using it."

She took a glance at him. His face was red and he was staring at his food. His head turned and they locked eyes before Hazel turned back to her food.

"It's fine. And I understand why you would be angry that I didn't use it last year."

They ate in silence until Ominis spoke. "Let's meet by Salazar's statue in the common room, at..." He thought for a moment, "10 o'clock."

Sebastian and Hazel both agreed and continued eating.

"Hey, Hazel." A Ravenclaw girl said. She looked up and saw a whole ass friend group before her, all of them watching her and giving her small smiles.

"Hello." She continued eating.

"Is it true that you can strike lightning?" A girl asked eagerly, a glimmer in her eye as she leaned forward.

Hazel blinked. How did people know? "Yes, it's true."

Another girl stared. "Amazing." She breathed. The boy crossed his arms.

"Would you like to come sit with us?"

She knew that she had become famous practically overnight, but it annoyed her that people only saw her as a mystery. She couldn't leave Sebastian or Ominis. They were a trio.

"No thanks, I'm almost done here anyway." She set her glass down and stood up, grabbing her bag to prove her point.

"Oh. Maybe another time then." The group stalked off. Sebastian watched them leave. Ominis sighed and stood. They didn't mention the scene.

School dragged on and Hazel was guilty of falling asleep a few times. She also took time in History of Magic to write her essay on Edurus potions for Sharp. Ominis didn't care, because he was sleeping.

After classes were over, she caught up with Samantha and spoke to her, catching up. It seemed like ages since they had last spoken, but it had really only been a week. The two girls chattered about the latest gossip and about their classes as they walked to the Slytherin common room and into Hazel's dorm. Imelda and Nerida were there, painting each other's nails a dark emerald green. They looked up and smiled.

"Samantha!" Imelda said, blowing on her nails and waving at her. "Can we paint your nails? I think..." She threw herself across the floor to ruffle through her bag. She held up a bottle of blue polish, "We have blue!"

Samantha blinked and then looked over at Hazel.

The girls scooched over so Hazel and Samantha could sit in a circle with them. Imelda painted Samantha's nails and Nerida painted Hazel's.

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