Part 1: Alive, But Not Living.

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  Ranboo saw Charlie and noticed how he was just staring at the ceiling, Security was no where to be seen. That's good. Running towards the male, Ranboo noticed how Charlie looked alive and dead at the same time.

"CHARLIE!" The tall male yelled, making the weak one look at him.

"" God Charlie's lost a lot of blood. He was alive though. The one with glasses seemed to be more concerned for Ranboo than himself, "You.. have blood all over your face."

"Not the time for that. We really have to get out of here." The tall one took off his sweater and wrapped it around the most fatal wound her could see, "There's bound to be a first-aid kit somewhere around here.." the male looked around and eventually spotted something that said 'first aid' and ran towards it.

It was in fact a first aid kit, oh thank god. Ranboo ran back towards Charlie and patched up the wounds that he couldn't wrap with his jacket. Looking for confirmation, Ranboo tackled the fatal wound. Carefully peeling the male's shirt off and wrapping it up. The male who was taking care of Charlie made sure to disinfect the wound before he did anything.

Charlie had sat up and patched Ranboo up, getting the wounds he could reach. That's when the one who had a large bulky mask on pulled a hair tie from his pocket and tied his hair back, "Ranboo.. you have a port at the back of your neck."

A hand went to it, "Shit." Cursed Ranboo. He'd have to make a statement about that later, but right now he didn't want to. Didn't have the strength to. The adrenaline was wearing off, but he kept moving, "You should keep my jacket on. I'm sure I can wash it after we get out of here." That's when he hoisted the other up and helped him move about.

There were confused talking from the streamers who must've just woken up. Charlie and Ranboo were obviously a statement for them and they all got the others and a huge group of streamers left a mall. Now to find out where they were..

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