i. brothers

142 5 13

before fifth year.

RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE AND BELLATRIX Black's wedding was not one particularly considered pleasant. The scenery itself was incredibly beautiful, taking place in a manor so big that some may even consider it a palace.

A girl looked at her brothers disinterested face as he stood across his fiancée, though a nudge to her back adverted her gaze.

"Yes?" She turned her head to look at the two nearly identical boys, smiling widely at her.

The two had introduced themselves as Sirius and Regulus Black, though she already knew that. Despite never holding a conversation with either of them, she knew Regulus, as they both played on the Slytherin quidditch team together, and there was not a single witch in the school who didn't know Sirius Black.

Izabel was rather glad that they had decided to strike a conversation with her. It seemed as if all of them needed a distraction from the dreadful ceremony.

The trio talked their minds, covering their mouths in amusement when another guest would tell them to quiet down. Their conversations ranged from talking about how Izabel made quidditch captain and prefect this year to making up nicknames for each other.

"Do you mind if we call you Izzie?" The older of the two asked, only for her to respond with calling them 'Reggie' and 'Sirrie'.

The night caved in and many people had already been disappearing, seeing as the bride seeming avoided the reception immediately.

"We've got to go home now, Isa." Rodolphus interrupted her conversation with the Black's as they sat huddled around a table. "Rabastan is apparating with father, already."

She nodded in understanding, muttering the quickest goodbye to Sirius and Regulus before clutching onto her brothers arm. Although, she could of swore she heard one of them whisper a "Why didn't we think of Isa?" before her body twisted away.

The minute her heeled toes felt the familiar tiled floors of her kitchen, Rodolphus rushed voice entered her ears, making sure his younger sister was alright.

"I'm fine, Dolph." She said.

He sighed out a sense of relief, and Izabel could only hope that he wouldn't go on about how dangerous apparartion could be for the hundredth time.

"Rab said he wanted to talk to you." He told her instead. She frowned in confusion at the seriousness suddenly mustered on his face.

Silently turning on her heels, she went to find her brother who has been waiting for her in her bedroom.

"Isa," Rabastan spoke, not leaving a moment for the girl to respond as he sat her down on the bed. "Father wanted you to join the Dark Lord's ranks. He's been interested in you since he found out that you are the first witch of the Lestrange bloodline in centuries. So many of our ancestors powers have been passed onto you, and there is nothing the Dark Lord wouldn't do for power. Though, I told father to wait until you graduated at least. In exchange, I was forced to get the mark. I will not be able to attend Hogwarts for my last year, I seemingly have duties to attend to."

Izabel's face held one of disbelief, even before the information had fully processed in her mind. "Rabastan, why would you do that? Are you out of your mind? Mother would've never wanted you to-"

"Mother isn't here, is she?" He interrupted, making his sister's eyes water in either greif or guilt, he couldn't tell.

He sighed, regret spilling through his blood immensely. "Izabel, you're my little sister, and there is not one thing I wouldn't do to protect you. If that means joining you know who's ranks, then I will do it without a doubt. There is nothing you can do to change this, alright?"

There were tears burning her cheeks as she engulfed her brother in a hug. Both of her brothers somehow always had a key straight through her vulnerable gates, ones that would be kept locked for anybody else. "Alright."

i'm making this book a lot shorter then it originally was, i'm sorryyyyyy. i really wanted this chapter to focus on iz's relationship with her brothers cuz i love justifying canon deatheaters apparently looool

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