That's The Spot!

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Brooklyn, Earth-1610

Miles and I took some time to just swing around the city. Basically like a quick patrol. The last year has been pretty crazy for both of us. It honestly feels really nice to take it easy.

We both decided to stop at a nearby bodega for lunch. Miles and I snuck in through the vents because that's how we do. Lenny, the owner of the bodega, was dealing with a robber, attempting to steal an ATM. "Yo, what you doing back there, man?" Lenny asked. "Nothing. Nothing. Everything's cool, man. It's all good." The robber lied, pushing the ATM through a portal. "Just forgot my PIN number." "Get out of here!" Lenny shouted, hitting the criminal with a baseball bat. "No! Sir! Please just let me rob you!" The robber shouted. "I'm going to rob your little spotted face!" Lenny yelled. While Lenny was distracting the robber, Miles grabbed two beef patties and threw them in the microwave, unnoticed. "There's no reason to bring wood into this." The spotted robber said. "I've never robbed anybody in my life. Please don't make this a bad experience for me." ""Bad experience?"" Lenny asked. "I'm trying to run a business here!" "I'm like Robin Hood, if he gave to himself." The spotted robber continued. "See, I'm a scientist. Or I wa... I am. Anyway, you heard of Alchemax? I used to work there. I was actually considered handsome by scientists' standards. I had a little accident." Alchemax? Haven't heard that name in a while. What is he doing robbing an ATM at a bodega? "First of all, I'm not even robbing you." The robber said. "I mean, this ATM machine doesn't even belong to you, right? It belongs to the bank. They're the real criminals." "You're the real criminal! You're robbing me!" Lenny shouted. "You know, I can't really get a job anywhere anymore, being like this." He explained. "So, I've turned to a life of crime." "Why do people say "ATM machine?"" Miles wondered. "Who said that?" He asked. "The "M" stands for machine." Miles explains. "Spider-Man!" The robber gasped, falling into one of his portals on the floor, coming down from another one on the ceiling. "You know, I can't turn invisible, but the baddies never see me coming." I commented. "Great. You brought Spider-Girl, too." The spotted robber groaned. "Hey, Lenny, how much do we owe you for the beef patties, man?" Miles asked. "Spideys, if you two catch him, it's on the house." Lenny replied. "Good enough for me." I said. "Whoa! Spider-Man and Spider-Girl." The robber gasped. "This is real!" "So, are you, like, a cow or a Dalmatian?" Miles wondered. "I am... the Spot." He replied. "We meet again, spiders." Miles and I couldn't resist to laugh. The name made sense. He was made of spots. His name was still ridiculous. A loaf of wheat bread came out from one of his holes. "Oh, that's funny to you?" Spot asked. "Of course not. No." I lied. "So, is that a costume?" "Unfortunately, for all of us, this is skin." Spot replied. "Oh, dang." Miles muttered. "You see, I'm from your past." Spot explains. "One year ago..." "Hold up." Miles interrupted, checking his phone to see a text from his dad. "Oh, come on!" Spot complains. "Uh, oh." Miles said. "Well, this has been fun." "Who are you talking to?" Spot wondered. "Are you gonna be a while? 'Cause..." "It's time for me to finish the job?" I guessed. "I couldn't agree more." I shot some webs at Spot. Turns out webbing his holes only sends them somewhere else. The webs were shot back and went to our masks. "Might as well pay me now." Lenny said.

Oh! Are you waiting for a recap? You already passed it if you're just speeding through. Just back up a little bit. Courtesy, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl.

I gotta say, this guy is a pain in the ass. What's with all those holes? "Hey! Hey! Hey! You could hurt somebody!" Miles warned as he and I linked out webs together to stop a cab from crashing into a building.

Every time we punched through one of the holes, we either kept punching each other, ourselves, or a random object. "Can't you just act like a regular supervillain so we can catch you?" I complained. Next thing I knew, we were each inside one of the holes. Strangest villain ever. We did eventually break free. Miles had received another text message from his dad shortly after. "You're looking at your texts?" Spot asked. "You realize that this is the fight of our lives, right?" "Sorry, just a second." Miles apologized. "Hey, man, I don't know if you realize that we both have lives outside of work, too." I added, dodging punches. "No, no, go ahead. Take the call." Spot said sarcastically. "You turn off your phone in a movie theater, but not when you're fighting me?" "You know, you're actually onto something. We should add Bluetooth to our suits." I quipped. "I'm actually surprised that we haven't done that yet." "Won't you two just fight me already?!" Spot exclaimed. "You want a fight? I'll give you a fight!" I replied as Miles texted his dad back. I tried punching Spot again, but my fist went through one of his holes. "Okay, that's weird." I said, kicking him by a restaurant. "Ow! My nose!" Spot winced in pain sarcastically. "Sorry, I gotta be somewhere." Miles explains. "Psych." Spot said, sending Miles through one of the holes. Suddenly, one of his webs stuck onto my suit, pulling me into the hole, but luckily I did the same thing to Spot. All three of us were going through portals across town until we ended up at Foam Party, the coffee shop. After another hole appeared, we ended up back on the rooftops and tied up the Spot. "Unbelievable." Spot complained. "Come back to your nemesis!" "Let's go, Spider-Girl." Miles said, giving me a fist bump, then turning to Spot. "Don't escape." "You're costumes are too tight in the back, by the way!" Spot shouted.

Miles told me to come back to his dorm to wait for him in case Spot escaped. We leaped into the open window, where Ganke was just sitting on his lazy ash. "Hey, Ganke." I greeted, climbing through the window. "Phoebe." Ganke replied, not interested. "Yo, what's up, man?" Miles asked. "Just writing an essay." Ganke lied, clearly playing the new Spider-Man game on his PlayStation. Miles quickly removed his mask and gloves. He put on some presentable clothes over his Spider-Man suit. "There's a bad guy on the roof of the Peterson building." Miles explains, can you call the police, tell them to pick him up?" "I don't know, sounds like a slippery slope." Ganke said. "Just this one time?" Miles asked, walking out the door. "It's starts with one call, then it's walkie talkies, synchronized watches. In a month, it'll be a spider signal." Ganke rolled his eyes. "I'm not your guy in the chair." Miles comes back in the room for a second. "Are those my Jordans?" He wondered. "I can't help it if we're the same size." Ganke replied, just as Miles webbed up his shoes, sliding Ganke across the floor. "Why are you still here?" "Just a precaution." I replied. "I'll know if he escapes. Nothing gets past Phoebe Parker."

While waiting for Miles, I added Bluetooth compatibility to my suit while Ganke continued to play his game. Just as I finished my upgrade, my spider senses were tingling badly. Spot must've escaped. "He escaped. I'm out, Ganke." I announced, leaving through the window. "Don't forget to upgrade your character's skill tree. You'll thank me later."

I swung over to the roof of the Peterson building, seeing nothing but loose webs. "Benjamin, call Miles." I commanded my suit AI. "God, I hope this works."

Calling 💕Miles💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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