Isaac Imagine (for helloooo_trickster)

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"Oh my god Isaac just shut up!" you yell at Isaac. He just finished calling you short for the hundredth time and you had enough. "Just because you're freakishly tall doesn't mean you can go around calling all the average sized people short!"

"Okay, okay, Katherine...Is it that time of month? You're a little moody." Isaac says back, smiling.

You slap him on the chest and say, "Whatever Mr. Giant..."

You both continue to walk to your first block then the rest of the pack joins you. They are: Your twin brother Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Kira, and Liam.

"Hey sis!" Scott says, slapping you on the shoulder.

You laugh then respond, "Hey."

You all continue to walk a long in silence until Isaac asks, "Don't you all agree that Katherine is pretty short?"

They all shake their heads and mumble some no's while you just smile.

"You know Isaac I do believe that you are the ONLY rude one in our pack, so maybe you should just leave." You mean it jokingly but you see Isaac's face remains serious, and you think you see hurt in his eyes. What? He doesn't get mad at my comebacks?

"Oh yeah Katherine? Well at least I didn't go crazy on my first full moon and murder a whole family." Isaac snaps back but when he says it his eyes grow wide, "Oh my god Kath-" He starts but before he can finish you run away towards the girls bathroom.

When you burst through the door you are relieved to see no other girls in their so you run to the side of one of the sinks and with your back against the wall, you slide down to the floor and ball your eyes out.

Isaac knew you beat yourself up about that and will never forgive yourself.

When you first became a werewolf back when all the Kanima drama was going on, your first full moon happened and you went out of your mind. You stormed into some random families house and tore them apart. Luckily, the police came to the conclusion that it was an animal attack and it did't come back to bite you in the butt.

You will NEVER forgive yourself for that.

You hear the door to the bathroom open and look up through your tears to see Scott.

When he sees you he sighs then slides down the wall next to you and puts his arm around your shoulders while you continue to cry into his chest.

You both sit like that for about 5 minutes until Scott finally speaks up.

"You know we have been looking for you for like a half hour...." Scott says.

"Yeah, I kinda figured." You manage to choke out through your sobs.

"Why are you so worked up? I mean, I know that is for you, but I haven't seen you cry this hard about anything. Even when Allison died you didn't cry this hard, and that's saying something."

"It's just.....well....If I tell you something, do you promise me you won't tell ANYONE!! I mean, not even STILES?" You ask.

"I promise." Scott says.

You reposition yourself so you are now facing Scott and you say, "I like Isaac. I mean like, more than a friend.....and I'm okay when he says little comments to me like I'm short or something, I kinda enjoy that. But when he takes it THAT far it makes me think he doesn't even like me as a FRIEND! Much less a girlfriend...."

Scott's eyes widen for a second, but then he just smiles, "I knew you liked him."

"Well he sure doesn't like me..." you say.

"I think he does." Scott sighs, "You know, the whole time we were looking for you Isaac was freaking out saying we NEEDED to find you so he could apologize to you. He feels horrible."

"Really?" you say, but then shake your head, "No. It doesn't matter, he wouldn't have said that if he liked me."

Scott opens his mouth to respond but before he can, Isaac walks into the bathroom.

When Scott sees him he just quietly gets up and walks out of the bathroom.

When he leaves Isaac looks up with sad eyes at you and says, "Hey."

"Hey." you respond, mocking his.

He walks over and sits down next to you, "Katherine I ju-"

"NO!" You interrupt him, "Don't you dare try to fix this! Here I am starting to think you may actually like me and then you always go and make those feelings just go away! I-I just don't ever know what to think with you! You make me so freaking frustrated and mad Isaac. I know I'm not the prettiest girl but I just thought--"

Before you can finish your sentence Isaac grabs your face in his hand and crashes his lips into yours. It was the best kiss you ever experienced, even though you hadn't had that many boyfriends in your life. For a moment you forgot all about what else had just happened between the two of you. It was just this amazing kiss. When you guys broke apart he smiles at you and says,

"You are the prettiest girl. And I am so sorry I said that to you, it's just when I'm around you I always get really nervous and I don't know what to say, so I just spit out random things that are not true about you. I don't think your short, I think your the perfect height. And your eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen I don't even know if it's legal. And your hair. Don't even get me started. It's like the most luscious looking brown colored hair I have ever seen and I know this sounds stalkerish but I just want to touch it because it looks so soft."

"Isaac I don't know what to say.." You smile.

"Say you'll be my girlfriend."

"I'll be your girlfriend."

He smiles and kisses you again and you both break apart when you hear cheers and whistles outside.

The whole pack crashes through the door and you all start laughing.


So I know this is pretty long but I kinda got carried away ;)

Anyways, I wrote this imagine like Isaac was actually in season four even though he wasn't. :) I WISH HE WOULD JUST COME BACK! :'(

Hope I did this justice Katherine!

If you want your own Imagine just message me with what you look like, your name, some details for the imagine, and who the imagine is with!

Thanks! <3


Teen Wolf Imagines and Preferences (slow updates)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin