Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth

Start from the beginning

Sabertooth turned to Stain and Terra and smiled, showing them his canine teeth. Terra had a look of horror on her while Stain looked concerned. The man knew from what Terra had told him that Sabertooth was one of the men that was in the barn the night her father died, but to finally see this man in person was something different. Stain had never felt fear, but the way this man carried himself was something sort of unnatural.

_'This man, there's something not right about him. The way he looks at us, it's like where his prey and he's a hunter. What the hell is he?'_ Stain thought as he grabbed his sword and glared at the agent. Sabertooth let loose laugh when he saw Stain grab his weapon.

The agent found it hilarious that the vigilante thought that he stood a chance against him of all people. As funny as it was to the animalistic agent, he always welcomed the opportunity for him to let loose his blood lust.

"Go head, pick up the sword. Hell, I'll even get rid of this thing here." Sabertooth said as he mentioned his weapon. The agent gripped his weapon in both hands and began to break it in half. Stain and Terra watched as the man break the huge gun in half like it was nothing. Sabertooth then let loose a growl that sounded like animal, his nails grew longer and sharper, his eyes were dead set on Stain.

Sweat came down Stain's head as he looked into the murderous eyes of Sabertooth and for the first time in his life, Stain froze. He froze for what he saw in the agent's eyes...was his death. What he saw was no man, no villain, what he saw was rapid animal opening his cage. An animal that was ready to feast on its prey.

**(I chose different songs for this battle. You can play Monster by Skillet, Hero by Skillet, Hunt you down by Saliva, or Runaway by Hail The Villain. The choose is yours)**

Sabertooth crouched down on all fours and like the animal that he was he began to run at the hero killer. Stain and Terra saw the agent come at them at full speed, both were amazed at the speed of the agent. Terra saw that her master was frozen like a block of ice and needed to wake him up.

"Stain! Stain! Chizome, wake up!" Stain blinked when heard Terra's voice and the man saw Sabertooth coming and swung the sword. Sabertooth jumped over it and landed behind the two, he then with speed unlike anything that Stain has seen grabbed the vigilante throat. He picked him off the ground and choked slammed him into the ground.

"AKKK!" Was the sound Stain made as his head and back was slammed into the ground, the ground itself had cracked from the impact of the body collision. Terra was shocked at what she saw, she had never seen her master taken down so easily. The girl's eyes glowed yellow as she grabbed a small rocks and turned them into spears.She then launched the spears at the agent's back and they hit the mark, penetrating Sabertooth's body. Terra, Tenya, and Stain who was barely conscious thought that could do it, but they were wrong and Izuku knew it. He knew it, especially when he heard the larger man let out a deep laugh.

"Hahahaha!" Terra widen her eyes when she heard the laughter, she was in disbelief. There was no way that an ordinary man could take rock spikes to his back and still be alive, but an agent is far from normal.

Terra saw the agent get up from the ground, his hand still gripping her master's throat and he looked at her. Terra saw his cold, menacing, and murderous eyes. Eyes filled with nothing but bloodlust. At these eyes Terra herself froze and now she was deer ready to be ripped to shreads.

"So, your Maverick's daughter. I guess I can take you back as well, not to mention you got a pretty quirk there as well. Yeah, the boss would love to have that in group." Sabertooth said as he began to walk to Terra with Stain throat in his hands.

Terra backed away, gone was the girl that helped Stain kill heroes. It was replaced the face of the girl who saw her father die in the barn all those years ago. Izuku watched all of this and now knew he had to intervene.

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