The elements

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As sunny packed up her bags, her friends came in to say goodbye to her. "Sunny.. were really gonna miss you ya know" Zipp said with sadness and disappointment in her voice "yeah, why can't you just stay here? It'd be so much easier!" Izzy whined. "I'm sorry everypony, but now that I'm a ruler I have so many things to take care of.. and thanks to Zipp, I can go see what Twilight was talking about, and perhaps learn more about the history of the crystals!" She smiled "let's try to stay positive, alright? I'll only be gone for 2 months, it'll be over before you know it!" She said
before hugging everypony

She picked up her stuff and went outside of the crystal bright house before Hitch ran after her. "Sunny wait! I-I wanted to give you these" he stuttered, handing her some Sunflowers "aaww! Hitch! These are my favorite! How did you know?" She giggled "I figured they were, especially since your name was Sunny.. hehe.." they blushed softly before she ran off, not wanting to miss her train.

Hitch went inside to meet the rest of his friends, who greeted him with smirky looks. "Whats with the looks?" He huffed "come on hitch, we ALL saw how you looked at her" pipp laughed "and besides, sunflowers? You were just TRYING to impress her weren't you?" He was abit taken back by this "n-no! I-I was just trying to be a good friend!" He was abit nervous, trying to avoid the subject. "Alright love bird! If you say so!" Izzy exclaimed, walking off with the others "aw come on Izzy! I'm not even a Pegasus!" He said before running off with them, not wanting to be left behind. Back with Sunny, she was daydreaming by the window holding the sunflowers. She sighed "hmm.. it was so nice of hitch to give me these!" She smelt them happily "He's so great.." she thought to herself, blushing happily.

About an hour later, she arrived with the other ponys, as she walked by she heard them all whispering to eachother about how she was an alicorn. She sighed and thought to herself "well maybe it won't be that bad.. being an alicorn is cool, right?" She proceeded to walk on to the ruins of Princess Celestia and Princess Lunas old castle, but to get through it they had to go through the ancient Everfree forest. "Don't worry everypony, this forests creatures ain't been around for years, the only real danger is all the roots sticking outa the ground" the guides voice had a country accent to it which somehow comforted her, it reminded her of her late grandmother.

As they began to venture through, the guide told them all about the forests history, to which ofcourse Sunny had to jot it down in her journal. Finally they reached the ruins, they all stared in awe at the beauty of the seemingly empty castle. As she ventured further through  into the rubble, she noticed a building off to the side and felt a pull towards it, she was confused on why this felt so special until she saw them- the elements of Harmony! She was shocked they were here because the last anypony had heard they'd disappeared in a fire centuries ago.

As she walked closer, her cutie mark lit up brighter than ever. "Sweet Celestia! Their really here!" They weren't in their necklaces or crown but instead lodged into the stone holder in the center of the room. She flapped her wings happily as she put her hoof on Twilights element and a burst of light shot up engulfing the whole place in a sparkly warm light. When Sunny opened her eyes again she couldn't believe what she saw- it was the mane 6 staring right back at her, they were more of spirits than physical ponys. "Sunny Starscout" Twilight began "you connected the 3 pony types, once again unlocking alicorn powers to the land of equestria, you must embrace these in order to save everypony" she seemed confused "Save everypony? What do you mean?" Sunny asked

Twilight stepped down infront of her. "There's an evil spirit lurking over Equestria wanting to steal the magic from the crystals, you have to stop it with your alicorn powers or else everypony will perish" Sunny was taken back by this, just then lighting cracked outside and the mane 6 began disappeared into thin air. Sunny walked back, shook by what had happened, she had a million things running through her mind right now and she couldn't wrap her head around anything! As she walked back to the group, the others seemed abit suprised she was back. "Where were ya? We were just about to head off to camp chrysalis" the guide said "I-I have to head home.. right now.." Sunny said before picking up her bags and silently walking to the station. The others tried to call out after her but she wasn't phased by any of it.

She climbed onto the train, leaning her head against the glass. She felt somepony leaning on her shoulder but she couldn't see anypony there. "I must just be tired..." she thought, letting out a yawn before drifting to sleep. She opened her eyes to see her friends infront of her- "Guys!" She exclaimed as she drifted towards them "you'll never believe what happened!" She slammed into an invisible wall that her friends were behind. "G-guys?" She kept slamming her hooves into the barrier with no luck, all she heard was her name being repeated over and over again, all she could do was cover her ears with her hooves. She screamed as she woke up, only to find a worker shaking her awake. She picked up her stuff and walked off into Maretime bay, as she looked around, she noticed it looked a little empty, but brushed it off as nothing.

She trotted up the hill to the crystal bright house, letting out a sigh before trotting inside. "Guys! I'm back! Something seriously creepy happened last night.." Hitch ran down and embraced her. "Whats wrong Hitch?" Sunny asked "you'll have to come see for yourself.." He said with a tone of worry in his voice 

(Words - 1046)

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