Part 12: Sleeping moments

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While Terry was at work doing something Miguel felt a bit tired so he went upstairs in his bedroom to take a quick nap. After few hours Terry came back as he started looking for Miguel. He eventually found him as he quietly enters in his bedroom as he smiled, walked over to him and laid down behind him.

Miguel is sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling with each calm breath. Terry looked at him with a  soft smile playing on his lips as he takes in the sight of Miguel's serene slumber

''There you are, my sweet Miguel,'' Terry whispered.

He carefully settles himself behind Miguel, his body molded perfectly against his. Miguel stirs slightly, sensing Terry's presence and unconsciously leaning into his embrace.  He gently wraps his strong arm around Miguel's torso, pulling him closer, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces

Miguel felt the warmth and safety of Terry's touch, relaxes even further, a contented sigh escaping his lips. Terry pressesed his lips against Miguel's neck in a tender kiss, his breath creating a gentle caress on his skin. Miguel with a soft smile graces his face, a response to the affectionate gesture, even in his slumber

Terry closed his eyes, his head resting against Miguel's shoulder, finding solace in the rhythm of his steady heartbeat. Miguel subconsciously intertwines his fingers with Terry's, their hands finding a comfortable entwined position.

''Sleep well, my love. You're safe in my arms,'' he added.

Miguel felt Terry's warm breath on his neck, his words echoing in his ears, finds a deep sense of peace and security. He loved the way that he felt so safe in his arms. Terry softly hums a soothing melody, the sound vibrating against Miguel's skin, creating a lullaby of comfort. Miguel savors the gentle melody, his mind drifting into a realm of tranquil dreams, where worries melt away in Terry's embrace. They slowly surrender to the embrace of sleep, their bodies entwined, their souls connected, finding solace and love in each other's arms throughout the night.


Miguel slowly awake from his peaceful slumber, blinking his eyes open to find Terry beside him. Terry noticed Miguel's awakening, he tenderly brushes a strand of hair away from his face.

''Good morning, mi amor,'' Terry said.

Miguel smiled softly, his voice still laced with sleepiness.

''Good morning, Terry. What time is it?'' Miguel asked, softly rubbing his eyes.

Terry glanced at the clock on the nightstand.

''It's still early, but I couldn't resist coming back to you,'' Terry said smiling as he laid beside him.

Miguel stretched his body and nestled closer to Terry.

''I'm glad you're here. I slept so well,'' Miguel said.

Terry traced his fingers lightly along Miguel's arm.

''You looked so peaceful. It warms my heart to see you resting peacefully in my arms,'' Terry admitted causing Miguel to look away shyly.

Miguel playfully nudged Terry.

''You're not so bad at being a human pillow, you know,'' Miguel admitted.

''I'll take that as a compliment. I'm glad I can provide you with comfort,'' Terry chuckled softly.

''I never thought I'd find someone who understands me like you do,'' Miguel traced circles on Terry's chest Terry.

Terry met Miguel's gaze, his eyes filled with affection.

''And I never thought I'd find someone as remarkable as you, Miguel,'' Terry said as he kissed his cheek.

Miguel paused for a moment as his expression turned serious.

''I--I just love the way we have affection for each other,'' Miguel said blushing.

Terry brushed his thumb over Miguel's cheek, his voice filled with sincerity.

''Miguel, you've brought light into my life. I cherish every moment we spend together,'' Terry said honestly.

Miguel took a deep breath, his vulnerability shining through.

''I feel the same,'' Miguel admitted.

''What does matter is that no one can seperate us because we both love each other despite our obstacles. We'll face any challenges together, and I'll always be by your side,'' Terry said as he gently cupped Miguel's face, his voice filled with reassurance.

They both leaned in and softly kissede each other.

''I love you, Terry. Thank you for being here for me,'' Miguel said.

''I love you too, Miguel. You've become the most important person in my life,'' Terry said as he wrapped his arm around Miguel.

Miguel and Terry in the warmth of their shared love and vulnerability, continue their conversation, deepening their connection, and finding comfort in each other's presence as they embrace the new day together.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now