Chapter 4: It's Xiao

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"Take a break, will you? I get your reasons, but come on, Xiao, you're overdoing it." Wiping his forehead with a cloth, Xiao looked up at his older sister.

"I am not overdoing it. I am simply doing the necessary. Consistent practice is essential for a good performance."

"I would accept that if your next concert was actually scheduled yet, but since the next three just got cancelled, take a break, little brother."


"Yeah. It's the Sumeru Akademiya again, stripping their people of entertainment. Oh, and the Iridescence Tour: Mondstat Concert got cancelled too, although they're not telling us why. So you can take a break."

"Don't we have shooting for the next few music videos?" Xiao asked, still skeptical.

"Nope. We had to completely recompose a few drafts. Barbatos said he had a few plans for some, trying out a couple new styles of song, and he hasn't gotten back to me. So basically, all bets are off except for the photoshoots and interviews later today, which you are not looking all sweaty for." Bonanus put her hands on her hips, flicking her vibrant blue hair.

Bonanus was Xiao's older sister. She, like all his siblings, (well. Almost all his siblings) was a fundamental member of their idol business, and one of their two music composers. She was often described by others as a sweetheart, and the nickname was well-deserved. She loved her brothers and sister with a passion, and often tagged along with Xiao through things he was nervous about- like dying his hair deep green. She'd decided to do it with him, purely so he'd feel less stressed about the social parts of it. This action had eventually spurred the other three to do the same so Xiao wouldn't be stressed. (except for Menogias, who just got highlights, but he already had a natural gold ombre from their dad.) It was way more than they'd needed to do, in his opinion, but he didn't mind. Bonanus had a natural knack for knowing her sibling's moods, and often comforted her siblings after one of their arguments. A peacemaker, she was as calm as a still mountain lake. Unless one of her siblings (read: Xiao) happened to be neglecting themselves. Then, if one was to stay with the water motif, she was like stormy ocean waves- she wouldn't stop until her sailor sibling was either back home in comfort, or resting in some other way. She had no reservations against knocking someone out to make them get rest, and although she was relatively small, she packed a punch in both physical and emotional damage. She, as Indarias said, was the "queen of guilt tripping."

She flicked Xiao's forehead.

"So no more dance practice for today. I know it validates you, but you should start getting ready. Goodness knows what traffic will be like once we actually leave, so you should prepare to leave early." She took his towel, helping him up. "Ew. Go have a shower and wash that hair of yours. You should probably get it redyed sometime soon too." She swiftly left, speed-walking down the hall and disappearing around a corner. Xiao wound his way to the bathrooms. After taking a quick shower and changing clothes, he grabbed his stuff, rigorously going through everything and making sure he had everything he'd come with. The routine of going through his things before he went or left anywhere was a habit of both his and his siblings. when one doesn't have much, one tends to be hyperaware of where their belongings are. The old words from his aunt Retainer often echoed in his mind whenever he conducted his rigorous inspection of his things.

Well. No wonder, since he hadn't always had much. Having five siblings was bound to make things hard.

Xiao and his siblings had grown up in a coastal home in Liyue Harbour- although it got small quick. Their father, Zhongli, was a museum curator and appraiser, while their mother Guizhong was a mechanic and inventor with a passion for music who frequently messed around with the ancient machines Zhongli would sometimes be given by archaeologists. By no means were they poor, but they had enough. at least for the first few years, anyway.

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