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They made their way carefully past the guards until in their luck, a rat made a noise in their direction which alerted the guards.

"Shit," they both said

"did you guys hear that," Guard 3 said as he held up his gun?

"Yes," everyone that was there said as they also held up their guns.

The guards started to make their way towards the two.

"Shit um faker you know how to shoot a gun"

"Ummmm Yess"

"Ok here," Shadow said handing Sonic a pistol and holding another one for him.

"Umm fuck ok," Sonic said holding out his hand and craving the gun.

Shadow got ready and clocked his gun as Sonic just looked at what he did and followed. Shadow wait behind their hiding spot well it wasn't a hiding spot as they already know where they are. Shadow saw a table and he got an idea.

He graved the table and turned it to its side and quickly pushed it out of there hiding spot and at the same time shot at them and killed 5 people which left 64 people left (damn that's a lot).

"Faker you get the right I the left"

"Ummm ya"

Sonic honestly didn't know how to aim or even shoot so he just pretended to know since Shadow was already gone and he could hear shots.

'Ok sonic you got this'

Sonic got out and just shot anything he saw move. Everything was a blur until he heard a falling sound and saw everyone die which he didn't like one bit but whatever the person that made that sound.

It was a female bird she had light purple on the tip of her hands and the rest was sky blue. Sonic pointed the gun at the bird.

"Were is your boss"

The girl's eyes widen in shock and she was in the break of tears.

"H-he i-is d-down S-st-airs i-i ha-ve a MAP! "


The bird saw him lose his guard and attacked him he immediately shot her in the head surprisingly. Shadow got back and said.

"Damn I thought you were joking when you said you can shoot a gun"

"Umm ya don't judge shads," Sonic said as he checked the bird's pocket and pulled out a map.

"Omg faker you are a pervert"

"Mm, w-" he cut himself off as he saw where his hand got the map it was in the lady's pocket that was placed on her boob.

"Shit wait shads it's not that it's that she had a map," Sonic said quickly and showed the map to Shadow.

Shadow snatched the map and unfold it he look at the map and then at Sonic and said.

"My bad now let's go the map said the boss or whatever is the next level down"

"Ok let's go shads"

And off they went little did they know someone was watching them. The next place was a like a maze but thanks to shadow they made the right turns and only ran into a few people.

"Get ready faker"


They both went on either side of the door and shadow counted 3.2.1 and he slammed the door open and pointed his gun in before him. Inside there was a black dog with white eyes in his right hand was the remote for the bomb and in the other was a gun pointed at them. So it just depends on who shoots first then there was a click behind Sonic's head.

Sonic immediately knew that it was a gun he took a peek at the person and saw it was a turkey. So now it was a turkey pointing a gun at Sonic while he and Shadow points a gun at the dog and he points a gun at them.

"Lower the guns," the dog said

Shadow and Sonic knew better and lowered their guns but still had their guard up.

"You come here," the dog said pointing at the shadow.

Shadow made his way over to the dog still having a gun pointed at him. The turkey moves to Sonic's side and was now pointing the gun to the side of his head.

"Mm you look really good," the dog said

"What?! " the shadow said

"How much do you think I could sell you for as a slave"

Shadow and Sonic's eyes widen in shock they did not expect this. Shadow would have preferred to get shot at this point.

"Hey you if you sell me the girl you will live if not well you die so how much for the girl"

The dog stared deeply into Sonic's eyes. 'Of course, faker won't take that deal' Shadow thought but boy he was wrong.

"The girl is 5M now pay up"

"WHAT YOU C-" and before Shadow was finished the dog covers his mouth which made him shout mouthfuls he then felt something around his neck as they gave Sonic the money and he walked out the door.

"Hello sweetie"

Shadow had a disgusted face on and was trying to use chaos spear or even chaos blast but nothing worked.

"If your trying to use your chaos energy it won't work you have a necklace that will keep you from using it"

So with that information, he tried to chaos control but then again the dog was one step ahead of him.

"Looking for this," the dog said taking out his chaos emerald.

For once in his life shadow felt a little worried but didn't show it.

"Don't worry  princess I will take good care of you"

The dog then reached and touched shadows cheek and started making his way down Shadow's wanted to scream but his mouth was covered and he started to tear up closing his eyes then he felt cold liquid on his face he opened his eyes and saw Sonic holding a gun as the turkey died and so was the dog that was shot.

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