Wednesday Addams had always been an outsider. She was used to being the odd one out, but when she arrived at Nevermore Academy, she found herself surrounded by other misfits like herself. It was here that she met Enid Sinclair, her roommate.

At first, Wednesday was wary of Enid. She wasn't used to having friends, let alone a roommate. But as the days went on, she found herself drawn to Enid's quiet confidence and sharp wit. They bonded over their love of dark humor and horror movies.

As they spent more time together, Wednesday realized that she was developing feelings for Enid. She tried to ignore them, thinking that Enid couldn't possibly feel the same way. But as they sat together in their room one night, Wednesday found herself unable to keep her feelings hidden any longer.

She turned to Enid and confessed her feelings. Enid was surprised, but not put off. She smiled and told Wednesday that she had feelings for her too. They leaned in and shared a kiss.

From then on, Wednesday and Enid were inseparable. They went on midnight walks around the academy, explored the nearby woods, and shared their deepest fears and secrets. They were both outsiders, but together they felt like they belonged.

One night, as they were sitting on the roof of the academy, Wednesday turned to Enid and said, "I never thought I'd find someone who understands me like you do."

Enid smiled and replied, "I feel the same way. You make me feel like I'm not alone in the world."

They leaned in and shared another kiss, under the stars. They knew that they were different, but they didn't care. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.

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