i could give a thousand reasons why

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"you okay?" said Kate as she and Clint straightened up. The plaza was full of the bodies of the unconscious tracksuits, limp from her and Clint's trick arrows. All of a sudden, the tree limp too, its lights only flickering now and then after Kate had casually knocked over the great big tree of New York City (yes; along with the clock tower. Kate thought wryly that her mother would tell her she had something for destroying famous tourist attractions of NYC; maybe it would be the Statue of Liberty next), she was aware of how quiet it was. 

 Suddenly, Kate, from her position on the staircase, whipped around when she caught Clint doing so in her peripheral vision, and just in time, as a bullet barely missed her head. Kazi, suited in red, followed by two accomplices-one masked, one not, both also in red-held an AK-47, and he was approaching fast.

 "Just go," said Clint, urging Kate to find her mother. Kate gave him an incredulous look. "Now? Fuck no." She drew her bow with a normal arrow, nailing the masked one right through the slit allowing him to see, right in an eye. He collapsed from pain, suddenly blinded; she shot another that this time did what she'd intended: it went through the socket and into his skull, killing him. The other looked down at him, considering what to do with the slightest expression of concern, but Kazi shoved him out of the way as Clint's arrow whizzed past his head. The second arrow from Clint nailed him in the head, too, though.

 Kazi watched him collapse before turning back to the pair. "Nice shot!" he called with some gusto across the abandoned plaza. "Yeah, no shit," Clint yelled back, looking around his raised bow to get a good look at Kazi. But Kazi took the chance to fire the bullet at Clint, just before Kate shoved him in the back, both of them falling off the staircase and hard on the ice. Kazi looked mildly surprised, but his lowered alertness cost him: Maya came in on her motorcycle, and Kazi faced her, a few feet away, his gun only slightly lowered. Kate and Clint raised their heads to see the whirling of Maya and Kazi's fight, until Kazi was dead, and Maya rode away. 

 (This is where i differ from the show)

 Unfortunately, Kate and Clint's moment of distraction cost them, too, because suddenly there were cop cars all around, and Kate's frantic mother running from them in her direction. Kate closed her eyes to ready herself and turned to face her. Her mother was on the side of the plaza opposite the tree where Kate and Clint stood. Without even thinking, Kate ran for her. When they reached each other, they embraced, Kate knowing deep down that this would be the last time they did, at least for a very long time and maybe forever.

 "I'm so sorry," her mother whispered. "I'm so sorry, baby." Kate closed her eyes and pulled away, unable to take it, and her mother, still holding on to her shoulders, said, "we'll put all this behind us. You'll see. Okay? It'll all go back to normal." Kate took a step further back, shaking her head slightly. She just could not with her mother right now. She let out a breath and looked away from her, until she could look her mother in the face.

 "It's never been normal, Mom," she said quietly. Tears formed in her mother's eyes at those words, now it being the woman's turn to let out a breath. Kate was unable to stop the tears in her eyes as well as she nodded, uncertainly at first but then gaining confidence from the truth in her words. "I think a part of me has always known that."

 "Honey," said her mom, looking away and up at the building behind them, the glimmer of its lights reflected in her hazel eyes that Kate had inherited. "This was just an unfortunate arrangement." She met the young girl's eyes as Kate shook her head, determined not to let the tears out, mouthing breathless words. 

 "Killing-Armand?" she said, voice faltering, but tears remaining steady. "Hiring an assassin to kill Clint? Framing your own fiancé?" Her mother sighed exasperatedly, as though she'd just expected Kate to move on from all of this, but Kate's affirming gaze remained steady on her mother's face. "That was an unfortunate arrangement?"

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