Rengoku greets you warmly once you're near enough. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," you reply with ease, casting a glance at the man who effortlessly took down a formidable demon.

His voice is flat as he speaks, his expression devoid of emotion. "So, you're the new recruit?"

"That's right," you confirm, coming to a halt and offering a grateful smile. "You saved me and my friend on the mountain a few months back. I never got the chance to properly thank you... so, thank you."

"No need for thanks; I was simply fulfilling my duty."

"Regardless, I'm thankful." Your gaze shifts between Rengoku and the man, curiosity evident. "What brings you here?"

"I heard you were staying here with the others. Being an outsider, I was curious," he remarks, his eyes betraying his interest as he looks at you. "You've joined the Corps—why?"

"I want to help... I owe you and my other friends my life, and I've witnessed the horrors demons can inflict first hand. So, why not lend a hand?"

"Interesting. Did the Master approve of this?" His eyes move to Rengoku, who nods affirmatively with a smile. "Where are you from, exactly?"

"I... don't know."

There's a subtle shift in his expression at your response, though it remains inscrutable. "That's unfortunate, I suppose." He turns to Rengoku and nods slightly before walking away. "I'll take my leave now, so you can continue your training."

"Wait!" You call out, causing him to pause without turning back. "What's your name?"

"Giyuu... Giyuu Tomioka."

He walks off after answering, and you offer another quick "Thank you!" before he disappears entirely. Rengoku breaks the silence with a cheerful hum, flashing his trademark grin as he outlines today's lesson. You'll be learning Total Concentration, a prospect that leaves you unsure, given your past experience. However, you nod in agreement and assume a meditative stance, absorbing every word Rengoku imparts as he guides you through the technique.

Surprisingly, nothing peculiar occurs as you concentrate on your breathing, following Rengoku's lead. You're grateful for the chance to focus solely on the lesson without any strange occurrences. While you acknowledge the possibility of unexpected events, for now, you're entirely relaxed and able to breathe freely, perhaps for the first time.

The next couple of hours pass with you diligently practicing the breathing exercises before Rengoku suggests integrating them into your physical workouts like jogging, pushups, crunches, and other light exercises to acclimate you gradually. It's a slow and challenging process, but you already feel a bit more confident and satisfied with your progress, no matter how incremental it may seem. Everyone starts somewhere, and observing how effortlessly those around you handle their tasks serves as motivation. You want this more than anything you can recall wanting before, pushing yourself through each training session.

As two weeks fly by, filled with training and Japanese studies, the absence of your lively friends weighs heavily on you.

The worry grows, leading you to vent to Uzui and Mitsuri, occasionally seeking solace in Shinobu's presence, though she's often preoccupied with personal duties. Despite Rengoku's kindness and potential supportiveness, you refrain from burdening him with your concerns, maintaining a respectful distance as he guides your training. While Uzui breaks the professional barriers with his casual demeanor and personal anecdotes, Rengoku remains somewhat enigmatic and intimidating to you. You stick to following his instructions during training, keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself.

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