Chapter 24

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After the tea helped calm the student's nerves, Satoru revealed that he lied I had fallen down the stairs.

"Anywho, we have a lot to do today! The party starts at 7 and we need to decorate the house before everyone arrives."

I chuckled at my husband, glancing over at Megumi and Nobara.

"Did you two help him plan this?"

"Obviously," Nobara smirked while Megumi nodded in response.

And before we knew it, the students and Satoru went to work while I added additional touches to the decoration.

"Make sure the cart is stable," I looked over at Itadori. "We wouldn't want the cake falling during the gender reveal."

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted and went back to adjust the screws.

But before I could head off, Itadori called back for me.

"Wait, sensei?'

"Hmm?" I hummed, holding onto my heavy belly.

Itadori appeared hesitant for a moment, his eyes flickering to the side swiftly before flashing me a quick smile.

"Never mind. I hope the decoration is perfect enough for you and Gojo sensei."

"Don't worry, Yuji," I smiled back at him. "It's more than perfect."

As I turned around, Gojo was already standing behind me, patiently waiting with that bright smile of his.

"What's it with you?" I rose a brow while Satoru privately led me upstairs.

"Oh, you know, just holding my excitement about our baby shower."

"Of course, you are, my love," I raised my hand to touch his cheek.

Gently caressing his cheek, I gazed deeply into his bright blue eyes to notice his pupils affectionately dilate.

"Come on, let's go get changed and ready for our baby shower." Satoru had that giggle in his tone that never fails to send me butterflies.

Inside our room was a pink dress laid out neatly over the bed.

"Did you buy this for me?" I squealed in excitement.

Satoru shrugged, "I had to do some shopping and thought you would look nice in it."

I had to try on the dress. I immediately stripped out of my pajamas, leaving Satoru dumbstruck momentarily before helping me slip into the dress.

"It's not zipping, babe."

"Let me suck it in--"

"No! You're going to hurt our babies!"

"Oh, it's fine! Just zip me up!" I sucked in my stomach, allowing Satoru in that timeframe to zip the dress before exhaling out. "See! It fits! And the twins are fine."

But Satoru protectively caressed my bump, "I doubt that..."

I rolled my eyes and approached the mirror.

The dress fitted perfectly; its stretchy material enhanced my curves and bump comfortably, along with the leg slit that allowed more movement for me.

"Satoru, it's beautiful!"

"You're beautiful." Satoru walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my bump before pressing a soft kiss on my shoulder. "And radiant as ever."

"Thank you, honey." I beamed up at him.

"Anything for my Queen."

Once we got finished getting ready, Itadori called for us.

"Gojo sensei! Everyone's here waiting!"

"I suppose that's our queue," Satoru gestured his arm and I happily linked with his.

Making our way downstairs, our friends and student's head turned toward our direction, smiling as we made our appearance.

"There's the future parents-to-be!" Panda exclaimed.

We then began to greet our guests and thanked them for attending before starting the actual baby shower.

"Nanami! You made it!" I approaching him.

"It wouldn't be right if I didn't. Besides, these are my future godchildren we're talking about." He flashed me a small warm smile of gratitude.

"I'll drink to that."

Nanami and I raised our champagne glasses, letting them clink before taking a small sip.

"These are all non-alcoholic, huh?" Nanami slightly grimaced at the taste of flavored sparkling water.

"Better to be safe than sorry. But, there's a table of alcoholic beverages over there if you'd like," I winked at him, noticing Yuta making his way towards us.

Nanami then raised his glass again before separating, "Congratulations again, you two."

"Are you feeling all right, Y/n?" Yuta asked.

"I'm fine, Yuta. But are you enjoying the party so far?" I asked, when suddenly there were shouting coming from the other side.

"Do you think they're boy or girl twins?!" Itadori shouted.

"Or maybe both?!" Nobara joined him.

"The party's great," Yuta softly says. "It's just that, I'm worried about your health. I heard what happened at the Gojo residence and you should be focusing on your health and the twins."

But I shrugged him off, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm doing fine, Yuta. Don't worry too much and just celebrate with us, hmm? After today you can go back to worrying if you'd like," I laughed, gently bumping his shoulder.

"I suppose..." Yuta sighs, glancing over me before turning back to the ruckus that Itadori and Nobara created, along with Satoru's involvement.

After a couple more hours of drinking and gender games, it was finally time to reveal the twin's gender.

"Any guesses before we cut the cake?! If you get it right, you'll win a million yen!" Satoru shouted, raising a glass of champagne that spilled everywhere.

"He's joking!" I hastily said, holding onto him with a weak smile before grumbling under my breath, "With what money, you idiot?"

But the crowd laughed and snickered at Satoru's behavior, knowing that he can't handle his alcohol.

"Let's just get some guesses, shall we?"

And just like that, the room was filled with shouts.


"No! They're girls! Everyone knows Satoru's sweet tooth created girls!"

While there were shouts of different responses, Satoru and I grabbed the knife together and began slicing the cake.

From one side to the other, I grabbed a plate close by as Satoru pulled back to reveal a pink and blue layered cake!

"It's a boy and a girl!" He shouted in delight.

Filling the room with cheering, I was startled as two confetti cannons exploded.

Satoru turned to me, the tears glistening in his eyes as he happily picked me up and twirled us around. Once he placed me down, we went in for a quick kiss, smiling ear to ear.

"Who would've thought we'd have both..." Satoru looked down at me lovingly before pulling me into another warm embrace. 



Two small figures smiled brightly, running towards us as Satoru and I crouched down with both arms opened, smiling back at them.

However, such happy memories like this was burnt away in flames.

"Daddy? Where's mommy?"

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