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,,With who did you call since when do you say I love you to someone?"
,, U-Uh my mom I told her about this situation you know she cares about you more than me!" I lied ,, yeah but your,,Mom" sounded more like Chan hyung so what is going on??" He said more serious my breath hitched (I guess it's sounds better ) I was surprised he heard it I thought he was deep asleep . should I tell him ,, I need to do a important phone call right now so we talk later ok?" I said I needed to call Minho he isn't with Chan hyung he went straight home after that so I called

Cat lady hyung💗


Hi hyung about your hannie he is with me now I found him don't worry he is ok !
Good I was so worried did he cry? Did he do something bad? Did eat? Does he sleep?
Hyung hyung stop and yes he did cry a lot no he didn't and he ate something at my place and yes was sleeping until now
Can I come over later? To talk to him?
Why are you even asking or couse you are always welcome hyung!
One question are and Chan hyung a thing or not cuz I know Chan always comes over to you or is he living with you?

Oh shit he knows

Hyung I- yes we are dating and we live together please don't tell anyone ok!
I won't I am not a horrible hyung see ya later binnie!
Bye hyung!

There we go .
I heard the door open I saw Jisung there ,, hyung chan hyung is at the door !"he said I just nodded and went to the door with ji behind me ,, Chan hyung what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in school? " I asked him a bit curious,, yeah I know but I was pretty worried about han tho so I just skipped nothing special" he answered,, Ji let me a Chan hyung speak in private please!" I said ,, ok but use protection it is the best if you don't want any weird illnesses!" He said in a teasing tone ,, aish this kid so what should we do ? I think he knows should w- " I was cut off by soft lips Chan kissed me ,, common you could have said hi more properly at first! And I think he deserves to know " chan said with a smirk

To bored I have an exam next week I am stressed but I am still posting this !
Word count:431

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