(Y/n) leaned forward and motioned for Julio to come closer

(Y/n):girls with guns.

Rebecca started flipping him off with her free hand with a sassy smirk as (y/n) leaned back and flipped her off as well

Falco:attention ladies. We're 'bout a minute out now.

Falco and kiwi were waiting in the car as the gang entered an abandoned building with a the front door open

Kiwi hacked into the camera's and saw at least two dozen maelstrom members along with turrets stationed around the room

Kiwi:got a small army on our hands, turrets too. can't ping 'em all for quick hacks. Not enough time. Front doors a dead zone, that's crystal. So plan b - find the back door, definitely.

David:I vote plan C.


Julio:no back door swoop in? Why?

Rebecca:knock yourself out. Get to it.

(Y/n):stealth ain't the vibe. Too big for sneaking around.

In the car kiwi looked pissed as she started hacking

Falco:front door assault, looks like to me.

Kiwi:you think?! Meatbrain move!

Meanwhile the gang had walked in through the front door catching the attention of all the maelstrom members who grabbed their guns and began staring them down

Maelstrom member:hey who ordered lunch meat?! You wittle babies lost?! You hear to start something?! You bloodbags wanna get popped?!

The maelstrom member doing all the talking walked right up to them and put her iron to (y/n)'s head while putting her second gun into his groin

Maelstrom member:better start talking now scumbag before I give you some more holes!!

(Y/n) just blankly looked her back in her cybernetic face

A gunshot rang out as her head exploded and her corpse hit the ground, he'd put his sidearm to her chin

The massive maelstrom group all pulled out their guns

Kiwi:tagging complete, short circ incoming. Done Without a millisec to spare.

As they tried to pull their triggers all their bodies short circuited

Rebecca started laughing like a maniac as she pulled out two sub machine guns from her bag and began unloading gleefully

(Y/n) grabbed his Zhou and started shooting as David's forearm folded opened and the projectile launcher that belonged to Maine folded out and fired turning multiple maelstrom members to red mist

Some maelstrom members started shooting back as Julio hid outside the building

Julio:no no no! I don't wanna die!

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