Robin: Uh... No.

Butch: It was yours truly that lost to a guitarist on crack. But come on, Robin, please tell me it was awesome how I killed all those monsters and their little island.

Robin: (smiles) It was awesome, Butch. Come on, you guys, give Butch a little break, even if it was anger issues.

Butch: Thank you! At least someone other than Boomer thinks it was awesome.

Boomer: Yeah. W-Wait; Hey!

Alice: (enters the living room) Robin, boys, Andrew just called; he said he will return home late at night from work.

Robin: He won't be at dinner again?

Alice: I'm sorry, dear, your daddy is very busy this week.

Alice went back to the kitchen.

Robin: (sighs) I wanna see Daddy again.

Boomer: Hey, Robin, you said your daddy works for Mister Morbucks?

Robin: Yeah, I didn't know this "real estate" thing was this long.

Boomer: Hmm...

Robin: Wait. You don't think this is happening because you discovered that case file about Daddy's boss, do you?

Butch: What? Who? Us? Nah... Why would we ever think that, eh? Hehehehe...

Boomer: Why? I thought it was because of that.

Butch: Boomer, would it kill you to at least not say the things people don't want to hear?

Boomer: What? Mister Snyder comes back here late at night lately since we found that, uh, "case file?" or whatever it's called; it's pretty suspicious to me.

Butch: Boomer, you-! (sighs) I'm sorry, Robin.

Robin: It's ok.

Brick: Look, even I suspect this, but we can't just assume that he's against us now. I mean, he helped us learn a lot of things and cared for us; plus, there is no reason for him to not love you and your mommy, Robin.

Robin smiled at Brick.

Boomer: Hey, Brick, just out of curiosity: have you read all of what's inside the thing that we found?

Brick: Ya think I have time to read how some guy took some money from one place to another? No thanks.

Boomer: Oh.

Brick: Speaking of time... (in realization) Oh! I almost forgot I would fight Blossom at twelve-thirty near the city hall. What time is it?

Butch: (looks at the clock on the wall) It's 12:20.

Brick: Lemme do somethin' real quick. (zips in a direction and reappears back, adjusting his hat) Alright, let's go.

Butch: See you later, Robs.

The boys flew out of the house and toward the city. The camera cut to the city hall area; around the area was a crowd of protesters with signs. The boys landed on top of a tall building next to the city hall area.

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