Ch. 12: Well, shit

Start from the beginning

You reciprocate their enthusiasm with a warm smile. "Thanks you guys. And congratulations on winning the 'Best New Boy Group' award, by the way. You guys deserve it."

"We humbly accept your praise," Xingqiu responds, before emitting a sigh. "Sadly, this is where we really must part ways."

"Oh, already?" you say, a slight frown appearing on your face.

Xingqiu chuckles. "No need to fret. Since we belong to the same company, I'm certain our paths will cross again."

"We reside together in a dorm on the eighth floor. You can find us there almost every day. So, I'll see you then," he adds.

You smile. "Take care, everyone," you say, embracing each of them warmly before bidding farewell with a wave.

"Goodbye, Y/N!!!" Bennett exclaims with infectious enthusiasm.

You laugh, thinking to yourself, "I should definitely introduce him to Yoi."

In that very moment, the sound of approaching footsteps catches your attention, causing you to pivot and behold the unmistakable figure of a tall man with sleek hair and a distinguished eyepatch.

"Bravo, Y/N. You managed to lead 5wirl into creating a performance like never before. I'm impressed," Kaeya acknowledges, offering a commendation.

"Ah, and it appears that your band unveiled your identity before I could exploit it to my favor. What a shame," Kaeya laments, feigning defeat with an exaggerated sigh.

With a skeptical gaze and a raised eyebrow, you seize the opportunity to engage in conversation with Kaeya. "Okay, what are you up to?"

"Hm? Can't a person just simply desire a friendly chat these days?" Kaeya simulates a somber expression, his brows arching, eyes closing, and shoulders shrugging.

"Drop it, I know you're up to something. I know we didn't 'accidentally' bump into each other," you claim, crossing your arms in a display of assertiveness.

"I also know that you meant to spill my identity to Diluc, and I know you knew that I know all of this!" you declare firmly.

"Oh? I suppose there's no use in concealing it any longer," he remarks, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he leans in closer to you. "Well, truth be told... it seems you've peaked my interest."

"I've... what??" you respond, a mixture of confusion and caution causing you to slightly lean back as Kaeya draws nearer.

"Exactly. Which is why I felt compelled to learn more about you. Manager's around the same age as their band members are quite rare, you know. Coupled with the fact that you came right after Mr. Kim's disappearance, I have a fair reason to be curious," Kaeya elucidates, his voice tinged with intrigue.

"And after getting to know you a bit better, I'm convinced that you're smart enough figure out the rest," he adds, a sly undertone to his words.

A bewildered expression takes hold of your face. "What's with this guy?" you ponder. If what he's saying is true, it means he intentionally orchestrated bumping into you, with the aim of initiating conversation with you. That's likely why he wanted to invite you to his table alongside the others, possibly to subtly interrogate you without arousing suspicion.

And spilling your identity to Diluc? Considering Kaeya's nature, it is probable that he did so merely to toy with your emotions and observe your reaction. Again, to unravel more about you.

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