Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Alastriona's chest heaved, "I don't know anything! Please, mother!" She begged hysterically. 

Madrona rolled her dark eyes. "For some reason I just don't believe that, daughter." She spat and her sneer transformed into a terrifying grin. "Now come, on your feet, we have guests."
She didn't wait for Alastriona to stand and instead forced her to her feet and pulled her out the cold cell and pushed her through a set of doors, she forced her to keep walking across floorboards. Her feet slipped from under her at the site before her, her heart plummeted to her stomach.

Bellatrix remained standing with a malicious sneer etched onto her pale face, three people on their knees faced Alastriona.
"Alastriona!" They chorused, they tried to stand and were all forced back to their knees.

"No!" Alastriona screamed, she thrashed against Madrona's hold. "No! No! Madrona, please!"

Finn roared in protest but he was no match for the Death Eaters magic. Madrona's hand gripped Alastriona's shoulder and pushed, nails dug into her skin.

Alastriona was forced to kneel before her family. She saw them through blurry eyes, Sloane, Maeve, Finn, the last of her family and she peered back up at Madrona. "Please..." She begged weakly. 

Madrona held the wand up to Maeve, the woman forced to kneel in-between her husband and her son.
"You'll tell us what you know, Alastriona, or they die. They all die." 

"I don't know! I don't know anything!" Alastriona screamed and reached for her family but invisible ties pulled her back. She met her uncle's anguished gaze, "Uncle Finn, please, I don't know anything, I don't know anything!" 

Maeve nodded and smiled through the tears. "It's okay, dear, it's okay—"

"Avada Kedavra!"
A flash of green, a body hit the floor, screams filled the room. 

"Maeve!" Sloane shouted, he slumped forward, his hands reached futilely for his wife, "Maeve!"

"Ma! Shit, Madrona! Stop this madness!" Finn cried. 

Madrona cackled as did Bellatrix. "Not until this daughter of mine tells me what she knows."

Both men looked at Alastriona, her face distorted with disbelief and misery. "I don't know anything! I swear, I swear! Please! Please, Madrona!"

Madrona 'tsked' her and shook her head, wand aimed at Sloane. 

"No! No! Stop!" Alastriona shouted.

"Final words, father?" Madrona taunted.

Sloane couldn't speak at all, he couldn't tear his eyes off his wife. 

"Dad! No! Madrona, don't! Dad!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Alastriona screamed, the sound broke and cracked. Her grandpa slumped before her in a flash of green, right next to her nana.
Finn wailed his pain up at the ceiling, Bellatrix shrieked with laughter. 

"There are other methods, Alastriona!" Madrona threatened, "I can make this a lot more painful for you!"

"Finn! Finn!" Alastriona couldn't get him to look at her, "Dad!" His head snapped to look at her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

He shook his head. "I love you, Alastriona, always!" His eyes flickered to Madrona then back to his niece, "I'm so proud of you, Alastriona." He nodded even as her body shook with sobs. "So proud... don't give up, sweet heart." His voice trembled.

Alastriona shook her head, tangled hair bounced around her face, she found her mothers twisted face. "Please, Madrona, stop this! I don't know anything, please, just let him go!" She begged. "Please! I don't know anything! I don't know anything! I don't—"

"Alastriona!" Uncle Finn called to her. "Just look at me," her eyes fell on him and she sobbed, fresh tears poured down her face. "I love you, I love you."

"I love—"

"Avada Kedavra!"


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