It was silent for a moment. "How are you?" I said breaking the small silence. "I'm great." He answered. "Really?" I questioned. "I've got a lot to be thankful for. This beach, perfect weather... you." He said I chuckled "And your sister?"

"Ah, it's a busy day. I'd better get going. I'll see you at the café, okay?" He got up to leave, dodging my question. Once Zac was kind of out of sight I got up walking towards Evie. I shrugged, sighing.

Sirena's POV
|Moon Pool|

"All this time we've been so close to your brother." I commented.  "It is pretty amazing." Mimmi said happily. "You never felt anything? I can always tell when Aquata's nearby. I can feel it in the water." I questioned. "Not until we started sharing visions." Mimmi answered. "Now we know why we couldn't take Zac's powers away. He was never a land boy at all." Ondina conclude. Evie and (Y/n) arrived. "Hey, (Y/n) and Evie. Have you seen Zac? Is he okay?" Mimmi asked in a voice of worry. "He's fine." (Y/n) answered. "Are you sure? He said he didn't want to have anything to do with us?" Mimmi asked uncertainly. "That was then. Now, I think he's accepted it." I replied. "Great. I've been wanting to go and see him." Mimmi leaves with a smile.

Zac's POV

My mom and dad were asking me to go out for lunch with them. but I declined as I had work to do.

"So, we were thinking we'd go and have lunch at the club. It's a beautiful day, we can get a table looking over the water." Mom suggested. "Why don't you come with us? We haven't done that for ages." Dad asked. "I know. I've just got stuff to do." I said. "Come on, Zac. We can, you know, have a chat." mom said as there was a knock. I turned around and saw Mimmi.

"Oh! Hi, there." Mimmi Greeted with a smile. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Dr. Blakely, Zac's father. And I'm his mother, Lauren." My parents said introducing themselves. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mimmi, Zac's..." I interrupted her. "Friend. She's just a friend. I got up to take my laundry from mom. "Leave it. I'll put it away."

"Please, come to lunch." Mom pleaded. "We'd like to... explain some things." Dad said. "You've already explained. Just go and enjoy your lunch. It's okay." I assured them. "Well, if you're sure." Mom said. "Nice to meet you, Mimmi." Dad said as he left with mom "You too." Mimmi replied with.

I started putting my clothes away. "They seem nice. I can see how much they care about you. You... want to hang out? Uh, go for a swim?" Mimmi asked. "I'm kind of busy." I declined. Okay. Well, later then." I remained silent. "You've probably got loads of questions. I know I do. There's so much to find out. We can do it together. Right? We've got each other now?" Mimmi said heartly looking at a photo of me and my parent. I took the frame from her putting it face down "I've got to go." I said leaving her there.

Your POV
|Ocean Cafe|

Ondina, Sirena, and I walked into the cafe. Erik rushed up to Ondina "Ondina! I really need to talk to you." He said but Ondina wasn't trying to hear it and walked out.
"Erik? Erik? Table six are waiting on those." Carley said. "Okay." Erik said walking away to serve the customers. Carley Turned to Sirena and I "Hey, Sirena, (Y/n)." She grabbed our hands walking us up to David "Tell David." She said. "Tell him what? Sirena questioned. "To have a party. It's the café's second anniversary today." Carley answered. "Nobody wants to celebrate a café's anniversary. I'm just happy it's lasted this long." David said. walking away.

"We have to do something." Sirena said. "A cake at least." Carley suggested. "I make a delicious seaweed jelly cake." She said. "I think David would prefer an ice cream cake." Carley suggested.. "I don't know how to make one of those." Sirena said, not smiling. "It's okay. I can do it. I'll make his favorite. Keep him busy. I'll go get the ingredients. This is going to be the best cake ever." Carley said, as Sirena started smiling again. Sirena was off leaving me. "Okay them I guess I'll just wait till Evie gets here and have a snack." I said to myself sitting down at an empty table.

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