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 When Jake walked into the local bar in Miramar he didn't expect to see a woman in a blue floral sun dress leaning against the bar beside her twin and his pilot, each of them throwing back a shot of Jack Daniels. "If it isn't Tempest and Razor," Jake drawled, allowing his southern accent to make its appearance. "That's certainly one way to celebrate getting into Top Gun, did you get one for me?" The woman turned to him a wide grin on her face. "Jake!" Jake grinned just as wide as she practically threw herself into his arms, hugging him tight. "Surprise!" he chuckled, pressing a kiss to her head before she let go of him and turned back to the others. "Looking good Hangman," Razor teased. "I am good, Razor," Jake replied before turning to the pilot standing beside him. "Duster," he greeted with a dip of his head. "Hangman," the man replied, dipping his head in return. "Ok enough boys, another round before we go mingle with the other pilots," the woman demanded, taking Jake's hand in hers and pulling him over to the bar where she raised a hand to signal the bartender. Jake couldn't help but smile when he looked at her, Tempest, the windy storm that blew into his life that day at the academy she'd bumped into him, otherwise known as Indira 'Ria' Kazansky. Ria handed Jake his shot as her twin, Rhett, and his pilot, Will took theirs from the counter. They cheered before downing them.

    "Dance with me, Cowboy," Ria told Jake before pulling him over onto the small dance floor. Jake spun her around to 'I'll Be' by Edwin McCain before they decided to take a break, walking over to where Rhett and Will were finishing up a game of darts. "Twenty bucks says you can't get three in a row," Will told Jake, offering him his set of darts he'd just collected from the board. Ria held a hand to her mouth as she and Rhett glanced at each other, holding in their laughter. If there was anything else besides flying that Jake Seresin was good at it was Darts. Jake smirked in his usual arrogant way and told him ok before he threw 2 perfect bullseyes. Ria held in her snickers as she moved so one of her hands was over his eyes so he couldn't see. "That's not fair Ria," Jake grumbled. "Just do it," she laughed. He sighed but threw the last dart, managing to make the bullseye again. Will groaned and she pulled her hand away as Jake cheered. "Hand it over Duster."

    They'd done it. After 13 grueling weeks, they had graduated from Top Gun. The 1% of 1%. Another step in their father's footsteps. Another step in their own legacy. Ria grinned as she held the trophy and took a picture with her father and twin. There were people congratulating her and clapping her on the shoulder. A throat was cleared and the group of mingling aviators turned to the stage where their CO was with the microphone. "I hate to cut this short but we have urgent news. Several of you are being deployed to two separate operations right away. Tempest, Banshee, Raptor." Ria accepted the paper from her commanding officer with a stiff nod, opening it to quickly read where she was being sent. "And Hangman, Razor, Duster," the Captain called out. "You'll be briefed once on board. Say your goodbyes, choppers leave in 20 minutes," he finished once they'd all been handed their orders. Ria said goodbye to her parents before joining Jake, Rhett, and Will to say goodbye to them. She gave Will a fist bump before enveloping Rhett in a tight hug. "You be careful Ria," Rhett murmured into her ear. "You too," she responded, squeezing him tightly before letting go and moving to hug Jake. Jake held her close. "It'll be ok, we're the best of the best, now it's time to prove it," she told him. "That's right," he replied before he let go of her. "Are you worried about them?" Andrea asked as the two women grabbed their flight gear. "No, my two best guys are going to be together and watching each other's backs, what more could I ask for."

  Ria's mission was a success, a quick in-and-out bombing run, that honestly made her question why they'd ordered them there so soon after graduating. She finished debriefing and was headed to get some food when she was intercepted by the chaplain on board. "Lieutenant Kazansky." Ria was immediately suspicious because usually, the chaplain doesn't address you directly unless there was news of something happening. "Ma'am," she addressed, as she steeled herself for whatever was to come. "If you'd come with me," she said simply. Ria nodded and followed the chaplain to one of the various private offices on board and motioned for her to take a seat. "The Secretary of the Navy has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your brother, Everett Kazansky has been killed in action. His plane was unable to defend itself further from surface-to-air missiles launched and it went down over the ocean. He and his pilot have been recovered and are on the way stateside. The Secretary extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your loss. Your command has been informed and there will be a helo waiting to take you back shortly after you pack your gear." Ria blinked, in a state of shock, as she took the information just given to her in. "Wait!" she exclaimed after a moment. "Is there anything about Jake Seresin? He was supposed to be with them, is he ok?" Ria asked. "I was only told of your brother and his pilot's passing." Ria blinked again, leaning back in the chair she was sitting in with a deep sigh of relief.

  A portrait of her twin in her service uniform stands tall behind his casket. She felt entirely numb as she stood almost stoically beside her parents and younger siblings as she paid hardly any attention to anything the various people who had known her brother had to say. She declined to say anything, knowing that she wouldn't be able to get through it without crying again. She had cried herself to sleep last night and today she felt she had to be strong for her family. Taps played and they folded the flag that had been draped over his casket before they walked past her parents and presented it to her with a salute. She stared at the flag being held out to her for a moment before she accepted it, holding it tightly to her body. She knew the risks that came with being in the military, she'd signed up for it too but now it all felt too real. Her twin was gone. Her other half. She watched as they fired the shots and one of her brother's squad mates pounded a set of wings into the coffin and saluted. Where was Jake? Why isn't he doing that part? Her eyes darted around the crowd of service members gathered and they couldn't find that familiar head of blonde hair or green eyes. When she couldn't find him she disappointedly turned her attention back to the ending of the ceremony. She stared as they lowered the casket into the ground and the F-18s flew the missing man formation overhead. The ceremony concluded and people began leaving. Admiral Tom Kazansky turned to his oldest daughter as Sarah took the two youngest back to the car and that's when the tears welled up in her eyes again. Tom pulled her into a tight hug and she let them fall in the safety of her father's arms. "Why isn't he here?" she asked quietly and Tom sighed as he rubbed her back. "I don't know baby, I don't know." Ria looked back at her brother's grave one last time before her father led her back to their car. Once situated in the back seat of the family car Ria tried texting Jake but it came back undelivered so she then tried calling him. "This number has been disconnected, please try again." Ria's brow furrowed. Disconnected? Did he break his phone and need to get a new one? He has her number written down in his various papers so he should be able to text her or call as soon as he gets a new one then. She'll be able to talk to him again.

She wouldn't hear from him again for another 6 years. In the meantime, however, she sent him letters.

Dear Jake,

I have a feeling you left without saying goodbye because you think I'm upset with you because of what happened. I'm not. I know there was nothing you could have done. I swear it, I just want my friend back. I think I'll be more upset and hurt if I can't talk to you again. I hope you know how much you matter to me.



Sincerely, YoursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora