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The villagers gathered in the town square to vote on whether or not they will banish Sonic from the villager forever once again. This time for sure. Sonic was feeling hurt by this. Not one person believes him about Eggman. Not even his friends.

Eggman appeared in a wheelchair and then The mayor appeared in front of him as he said, "Sonic The Hedgehog. What you did to Eggman was not excusable! He maybe a villain but we do not injure them brutally." Sonic protested, "But I didn't hit him that hard! He's faking it!" Eggman then said with his tears, "Don't be so innocent hedgehog! You hurt me on purpose and you know it." Sonic shouted, "LIAR!" Everyone booed at Sonic as his eyes widened. Sonic asked, "So your gonna believe in this liar over me?!" Everyone shouted, "YES AND HE IS NOT LYING!" Knuckles shouted, "NOT COOL SONIC! NOT COOL!" Sonic turn to his friends 'hoping he would back him up'. Boy was he wrong. Amy then said, "Sonic you injured my Fuzzy-Puppy Buddy. That's unacceptable." Sticks then said, "I'm just here for the free food!" Tails said nothing as he looked away. Knuckles shakes his head and said, "I can't believe I'm your friend." Sonic was in shock before he said, "I can't believe you guys! Your not gonna believe me?! Why?!" Sticks then said, "Nothing personal Sonic. We're just tired of you giving us orders and you being a cocky show off." Tails looked at her and said, "Sticks." Sonic was deeply hurt. He then attempted, "But Eggman is evil! I can't believe What I am hearing from all of you! Your all going to believe him?! I..." Mayor Fink then shouted, "ENOUGH!" Sonic was silenced as everyone booed at him.

Mayor Fink then said, "Sonic The Hedgehog. You are hereby banished from the village forever!" He banged his gable. The cops were going to escort him but Sonic stopped them and said with a pained look, "Don't bother. I'll leave myself." Amy then said to him, "You deserved it for hurting my Fuzzy-Puppy buddy Sonic." Sonic shouted at her, "YOU KNOW WHAT AMY?! IF YOU LIKE EGGMAN SO MUCH! WHY DON'T YOU MARRY HIM?!" He then had tears in his eyes and said, "I can't believe you call yourselves my friends. You not only left me in a cage with him or tied me to a tree or any freaking thing you did to me! But you four really don't appreciate me! Your just like them! I hate you! I HATE YOU ALL! YOUR BELIEVING A VILLAIN OVER ME! YOU ALL NEVER APPRECIATE ME! NOT ONCE! I HATE THIS VILLAGE! GOODBYE!" He then speeds out of the village forever while crying.

Everyone in the village was relief he's gone though Knuckles and the others were satisfied. Amy was in shock about what he said to her. Eggman 'who was a little surprised about what he said' turned to Amy and said, "Uhhh... I don't think of you that way. Besides Amy, your a hedgehog. I'm a human. Even if it do it won't work out. So we are just gonna stick to be enemies and Fuzzy-Puppy buddies." Amy replied, "Yeah, sure. Whatever. Want me to get you back to the lair?" Eggman replied to him, "No need. MomBot recently took a job as a nurse so she'll be there for me. Plus my Daughter 'Sage' is coming here. So I gotta be home before she does." Amy replied to him as she walked off with her friends, "Oh okay." Once everyone was out of sight Eggman snickered and whispered, "They fell for it." He then said to himself in a awkward way, "Still, Marry Amy? Not gonna happen." Thats when MomBot and Steve Eggman appeared before they helped him go back to the lair.

Meanwhile with Sonic:

The blue hedgehog was all alone in the woods. He sniffed and held himself. He sees the border before he said, "I don't need them anymore. Maybe I should go back to mobius. Least they appreciate me there." He started walking to the docks. It was only about 6 miles of waking. Thats when he notices something in the distance. A beautiful and fancy looking village in his sight. Sonic decided to take a look at it. He walked to the village and asked himself, "Is this Transtopia?" That's when Sonic was close to the entrance. It was a Crystal encrusted gate made out of emeralds, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, opals, and other color jewel. Sonic said to himself, "This must be Transtopia. Whoever owns this really commissioned a ton." He then looked down and said, "But I hate hedgehog village so much. Every single time I had to do something they don't even appreciate what I do. Despite the cheering. They thought he I was rude to Mike on that Just a guy thing but they were the ones who overreacted and started this mess."  He stopped and shouted, "UGH! I HATE THAT DUMB VILLAGE! HATE IT!" His shouted became an echo. Sonic suddenly gasped before looking at the entrance.

Sonic can sense someone was watching him. He thought, "Someone is watching me. But who?" He then thought, "Maybe I should show them I'm not what I seem. If I can just walk like a gentleman. It may show whoever is watching me. I am a prince after all." He only took a few steps before tripping on his own two feet. Sonic growled. That's when the gates opened. Rose petals flew in the breeze as a pure light shined in the entrance. Sonic was amazed by it as he gasped. That's when he sees a familiar female hedgehog figure into his sight. She said with a kind and soothing voice, "Sonic The Hedgehog. I thought those silky blue quills looked familiar. I didn't really expect to be here." Sonic was amazed as he smiled as he whispered, "Whoa."

Sonic didn't know that once he enters Transtopia he will not be the same as before.

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