Alfie contemplated Sebastian's statement, recognizing that he, of all people, would understand what that felt like.

"Do you want me to thank you or something? Is that what this is about? And just for the record, what I did is nowhere near as horrendous as what you did for Anne... to your own Uncle," Alfie sneered, aiming to strike a nerve.

Sebastian winced, his reaction indicating that Alfie's words had indeed hit home. He paused and pondered his words but then he leaned in closer, wearing a sinister smile, and whispered, "Don't be such a prick, Alfie. According to Poppy's account, you nearly beat her father to death. Now, if you were to come across him again and wanted to kill him, wouldn't a quick and painless death be more merciful?"

Alfie's anger surged, and he couldn't hold back his next question. "Are you actually sorry for what you did?"

Sebastian shrugged indifferently. "I'm simply speaking the truth. What I've done and what you've done are different means to an end," he replied, casually opening a book.

Alfie was torn between self-loathing and resentment. As much as he despised admitting it, Sebastian had a point. The depths of his rage had brought him dangerously close to taking a life. Simultaneously, he detested Sebastian for daring to draw comparisons between them, even if there was an uncomfortable kernel of truth to it.

"I'm going to bed, it's getting late," Alfie declared, his voice laced with restraint. He stood up from his seat, determined to distance himself before his anger got the better of him once again.

"Good night and good luck tomorrow," Sebastian replied, his attention consumed by the book he held in his hands.

Alfie didn't bother to respond as he headed towards their dorm room, his silence serving as a testament to his simmering frustration.

–Room of Requirement–

After finishing breakfast, Alfie wasted no time and made his way directly to the Room of Requirement, his anticipation growing with each step. Since he hadn't seen Poppy in the Great Hall, he assumed she had already arrived at their designated meeting spot.

Upon entering the Vivarium, his eyes searched for her eagerly, and there she was, sitting amidst the vibrant golden grass. Poppy had her back turned to him, engrossed in gentle interactions with the Puffskeins and Kneazles that surrounded her. The scene was a picturesque display of tranquility and warmth.

Notably, Poppy wasn't wearing her usual school uniform. Instead, she donned a charming yellow dress, its short sleeves revealing the delicate curve of her shoulders and the nape of her neck. The dress was embellished with small red flowers along the square-cut neckline, adding a touch of elegance to her appearance. The ensemble exuded a vibrant charm, perfectly complementing the serene atmosphere of the Vivarium

He approached Poppy cautiously. "Poppy?" he called out softly.

She looked up from her interaction with the magical creatures, her familiar hazel eyes meeting his. A smile graced her lips as she replied, "Hello, Alfie."

His heart swelled with relief and warmth at her greeting. Taking a seat beside her, he asked, "How are you this morning?"

"Better now," she admitted, her voice filled with sincerity. "I apologize for being so cold towards you. When you didn't show up yesterday at Crossed Wands, I was afraid that I had pushed you away completely."

Alfie shook his head, feeling remorseful. "You could never do that, Poppy. It's me who should be apologizing. What I did was horrific, and I think about it every single day. If I could turn back time, I would. I'm truly sorry, Poppy."

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