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The ballroom buzzed with anticipation as the Duke and Duchess of Hastings' ball reached its peak. Princess Angelina Windsor, adorned in a resplendent gown, mingled with the crowd, her eyes glimmering with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Among the guests, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton stood tall, his piercing blue eyes searching for the princess who had captured his attention.

As Angelina gracefully made her way through the crowd, Anthony caught sight of her, his heart skipping a beat. The room seemed to fade away as their eyes locked, an unspoken connection that stirred a sense of adventure within them both. He knew he had to seize the opportunity to dance with her.

Summoning his courage, Anthony approached Angelina, bowing slightly. "Princess Angelina, may I have the honor of this dance?"

As the music swelled and the guests watched in awe, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton felt a sudden weight upon him—a gaze so intense, it could burn through steel. He followed Angelina's eyes and found the source of the piercing stare—the imposing figure of the Duke of Windsor, Princess Angelina's father.

The duke stood at the edge of the ballroom, his stance commanding and his expression stern. His piercing blue eyes bore into Anthony's, conveying a clear message of protection and warning. It was a look that could make even the boldest of men quiver.

Anthony's heart skipped a beat, his confidence momentarily wavered. The duke was renowned for his fierce loyalty to his family, and the thought of facing his disapproval sent a ripple of uncertainty through Anthony's veins.

However, as he held Angelina's hand in his own, he found solace and reassurance. Their connection was undeniable, and Anthony refused to let intimidation overshadow their burgeoning connection. He straightened his posture, summoning the strength within him to face the duke head-on.

In that moment, he made a silent vow to prove himself worthy of the princess's affection and to navigate the intricacies of courtship in the face of her father's watchful eye.

Anthony cast a quick glance towards Angelina, finding a reassuring smile gracing her lips. It was a silent encouragement, an unspoken reminder that they were in this together. Drawing strength from her unwavering support, he met the duke's intimidating gaze with a steely resolve.
He was a very feared man amongst the ton , when it was his oldest daughter's season everyone was ware how ruthless he was , and her older brothers no different , yet worse.

With a small nod, Anthony acknowledged the duke's unspoken warning. Though the duke's expression remained formidable, a flicker of respect shone in his eyes. It was a silent acknowledgment that Anthony had been noticed, and he would be held accountable for his actions.
However , the Duke had noticed the  Viscount's attempt to straighten himself and respected it , which went well in Anthony's favour .

The weight of the duke's gaze lingered for a moment, and then, as if releasing him from its grip, the duke turned his attention elsewhere. Anthony exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, grateful for the reprieve.

'Your father has an intense stare' he brings up  whisky twirling her round .

The princess let out a soft chuckle , to which the viscount could help but smile at , 'sorry about him , he's very protective , my brother's are just as bad . 

'How is your family?' she politely asked.

'Well , Daphne lavishly , as you can see, though I'm sure it doesn't quite equate to yours Princess' he mentioned , referencing to the splendour of the ballroom they were in .

It was beautiful , Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling , reflecting the orange hue of multiple candles . Attendees made their way around the ballroom , conversing . 

Angelina's attention was drew back to Anthony . 

'It is time to bid farewell I gather' I told the Viscount as everyone was stepping away from each other.

The beauty of the princess and the viscount, their chemistry and grace, was a sight to behold. Whispers of admiration and awe rippled through the crowd, their eyes fixed upon the couple who seemed to defy the odds and transcend the boundaries of societal expectations.
Along with Angelina known for her dancing , they were sure to watch her skills on the dance floor .

The dance floor became their sanctuary, a space where their connection blossomed and bloomed, unaffected by the prying eyes and whispered gossip. In each other's arms, Angelina and Anthony found solace, companionship, and an undeniable spark that burned brighter with every twirl and dip.

As the waltz reached its crescendo and their dance came to an end, the applause erupted throughout the ballroom. The guests rose to their feet, their ovation a testament to the magnetic allure of the princess and the viscount.

Breaking the enchantment, Angelina curtsied, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of gratitude and a hint of longing. "Thank you, Viscount Anthony, for the most wonderful dance."

Anthony bowed deeply, his voice filled with sincerity. "The pleasure was entirely mine, Princess. I am honored to have shared this moment with you." .

As soon as the dance ended she noticed her older brother looking over with a glare .

She subtly nodded her head towards him , him noticing that was her cue to leave .

'Till I see you again Princess , save me a dance at your ball? ' he questioned kissing her hand .

'Why most certainly Anthony' she winked at him before making her way over to Arthur.

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