Chapter Sixteen:

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I came to a stop at the top of the hill, turning off my engine. 

Autumns staring at the picnic blanket I set up earlier. 

I feel her turn and look at me, I look back at her. 

"Daniel this is-" She looks back out at the view of Milton Keynes and it's surrounding area's.
"-Beautiful" She sighs. 

I agree looking at her. The way the sunshine is hitting her makes her look almost ethereal. She catches me staring a pinkness taking over her face. I smile looking away a blush creeping up my neck.

"We should probably, go sit down before the sun starts to set. " I say getting off the bike and moving it to a safer spot. She follows and we take off the bike equipment before we go and sit down. 

"So D helped me put this basket together. She said these were a few of your favorite things" I say unpacking the basket. 

"You two are Dangerous together" She laughs.

Her jaw drops as I take a box of treats from her moms bakery out.

"When did you have time to get that?" She asks.

"I didn't. you and D did." I say.

"I thought it was weird she wanted all my favorite treats when we got to the bakery." She smiles. "Now I know why" Her blush returns. 

"She also said Hot chocolate was your favorite drink" I say pulling a flask full out.

"Well not just any hot chocolate. The Simply sweet-" I cut her off.

"Simply Sweet, cookies and crème flavored one. And it must be topped with Megan's marshmallows. And not the colorful ones , because those taste like the easter bunny, although a fictional character, that's how you would describe them. They have to be the white ones. Because when those melt int the hot chocolate it makes it even creamier" I say.

She puts her head in her hands. "She told you the whole thing?" She laughs referring to D

 "Yeah she did, and I took notes. Quite literally"

"Your joking"

I pull out my phone and she her the notes app. And she starts laughing again.

"No one's ever put this much work into a date with me, thank you"

"I'm the one that should be thanking you. Today's been perfect because of you. You made the blow to my quali position better"

"You'll do great tomorrow Daniel, I believe in you"

"Thank you Autumn"

She smiles.

"So Mr. I'm not just a hot shot F1 driver, what's the story behind this date?"

I sigh, looking as the sky starts turning orange.

"The sunset. There's this hill near the house I grew up in that looks over the whole of Duncraig. Whenever life got to much for me or I had a bad karting race I would jump on my little motorbike and ride up that hill. I would watch the sunset and collect my thoughts. I remember the first time I found the hill. I had just had one of the worst karting races you could ever imagine. I dropped down  from first to last. When I got home I didn't want to speak to anyone I just jumped on my motorbike and drove. No destination in mind, but I found the hill. And I sat there watching the sunset go down over my sad empty town and I collected my thoughts. It was exactly what I needed and so no matter what type of race I had, I would go and watch the sunset. It made me feel like all my problems weren't as bad as I thought because at the end of the day I was a kid watching the sunset with his bike. And no matter what country I'm in, I have to have a hill that looks over something for a sunset, or even a sunrise. And Luckily I found this one that looks over your home town. A town I think I might come to love" I finish speaking and turn to look at her. 

I feel her hand on my cheek wiping a tear, I hadn't realized was there, away. 

"You are incredible Daniel" She whispers leaning forward.

Do I want to do this? Do I really want to kiss Autumn? It feels like every bone, muscle and blood cell are forcing me forward. Fuck it, she's something that brings me happiness and I want nothing more than a kiss. A kiss from Autumn.

I close the space between us. "May I?" I ask putting a hand on her cheek. She nods and I move and connect our lips. Soft, sweet and simply lovely is the only way to describe this kiss. It's nothing like I've ever felt. 

It feels like home. 

AutumnDR3 II Daniel RiccardoWhere stories live. Discover now