Do you want to play a game? (Pedri)

Start from the beginning

He raised his eyebrow, looking at the clothes you were wearing. "You look fine. We'll just be home watching some movies or whatever, no need to dress up".

"But I don't look good".

"Who do you want to look good for?"

"Start driving before I hit you. And stop smirking. I'm feeling insecure and you're being mean".

"Don't worry, I'm sure Pedri can reassure you and tell you how pretty you look".

"I hate you".


The weather forecast was bad. A lot of areas in the eastern side of Spain had been surprised by big storms and now it seemed it was time for Barcelona to join the party.

Thankfully for you, you made it to Pedri's right when the storm started to get worse. Driving in those conditions always felt pretty scary.

"You made it!", exclaimed Eric, opening the door for you so you could get inside quickly.

"Barely", you said, sighing.

Everyone else was already there and you joined them right when they were choosing a movie to watch.

"It's spooky outside", said Gavi, "how about a horror movie?"

Both Ansu and Eric looked at you, the horror movie expert. "What?"

"You know those movies. Choose one!"

"I...ehhh...", you didn't enjoy seeing everyone stare at you. "Bodies bodies bodies?"


"The movie. It's about all these friends in a mansion hiding from a storm and they play a game and...well, it's a horror movie. It obviously doesn't end well".

"Ok", they all said and went to the big tv to find the movie.

After excusing yourself to go to the bathroom before the movie started, as if missing 5 seconds of a movie you've watched ten times was a huge drama, you got back to the living room and tried to find a place to sit.

There was only one spot available, right in between Ansu and Pedri. Your friend looked up at you and you moved your head to motion for him to move near his teammate but he shook his head.

"You little shit", you whispered but it only made him smile more.

"So you're a horror movie fan?", said Pedri and you turned to look at him.


"I'm not the biggest fan myself. I get scared too easily".

You laughed before Ansu had to ruin it. "You can hold her hand if you get too scared. She'll protect you from the monsters".

"Ignore him", said Pedri, making you blush even more.

The movie started and you relaxed, watching the already familiar story for you and waiting for everyone's reactions to the jumpscares and plot twists.

"I cannot believe that happened", told you Pedri when the movie finished.

"I know", you said, laughing. "I was so shocked the first time I watched it. I didn't see it coming at all".

"Do you want to play a game?", asked Eric, and you all looked at him, confused. "We should play a game too. To pass the time. There's no way we can drive home in this weather", said Eric when he got up to turn the lights on.

"Not the game from the movie, right?"

"No, something more...simple?", he shrugged. "Hide and seek?"

"Eric, haven't you seen Ready or not?"

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