Chapter 2: Four Years Later

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Every time I close my eyes, I can see them. Their smiles and bright eyes. And then...the fear. Their frightened expression as that vampire cut through them almost too easily. They're helpless.
I couldn't help them. Did I want to help them? I'm not entirely sure. Was I relieved I wasn't killed? I guess, no, I am.
I was ecstatic I wasn't killed. But I will never forget that day, that hour...those minutes. And then, there's all the questions. Were they happy? Even though they were young, did they die happy?
Where would we be now had that day never happened? But most importantly...who am I?

Alana POV
We stand in the night. A slight breeze blows and I notice Yu standing silently. In an instant, one of the monsters, one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, appears and shatters the silence. "Private Yu! Private Alana! What're you doing here. Go! Now"! I say nothing as Yu pulls out his weapon.
"I'm perfectly capable of getting rid of a monster like this!" he shouts before running off towards the creature. He easily slices through. Unfortunately this'll land him in trouble.
The next day, we sit in class. Yu stares out the window, not paying attention like usual. I sit beside him, but unlike him, I actually have good grades. And obviously, he got punished for disobeying orders. "Hyakuya Yu, stop mumbling to yourself. You're disrupting the lesson."
I look at the teacher and then to Yu. Yu simply looks away. "What's with the attitude? Keep it up and I'll have you suspended!"
"Really?" Yu asks excitedly, standing with a smile. As cute as he is, Yu can be such an idiot. "Are you mocking me?" the teacher asks. Meanwhile, the purple haired girl sitting behind Yu taps his back. He turns, "What do you want. Who the hell are you anyway?"
She writes something down, and shows him. He reads it over, and looks at her surprised. "Supervisor?" he mutters. Supervisor? That must be Hiiragi Shinoa.
"What?!" It must've said something about a longer suspension from the army. "Hyakuya!"
"Cooperation" I hear Shinoa whisper. Yu looks at her uneasily but sits back down with a groan. "Since you have no intention to cooperate, it has been decided you suspension will end only after you've made a friend." Yu glances at me. "I'm guessing they mean a different friend, unfortunately." I whisper.
He looks at Shinoa who nods. Yu sighs.

Four years earlier, we had been saved after escaping the vampire city. "What's the meaning of all this? We thought the world had fallen into ruin." Yu had said. "Ruin? Is that what the vampires told you?" Guren had asked back. "Well that virus did reduce the population to one tenth, but the human race will not give up so easily. Rebirth is coming!"
"Rebirth?" Yu had asked, but we both thought the question. "Our organization will take the lead."
"Wh-who are you?"
"I am Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose Guren, of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army." I had wondered, even aloud, if we could trust him. "If you take my hand, you will get to kill vampires. You hate those bastards, don't you?" Only a second of silence passed before Yu shouted, "I do!" Guren looked at me.
I nodded, an image of Alexa passed through my mind right then. "Then come with me. I'll give you the power you need."

Unfortunately over the past four years, Guren has pretty much ignored us, pissing off Yu. Likely his plan... Class ends quickly and the classroom clears out. "Let's get ice cream on our way back" one girl says. I stand as Shinoa speaks.
"Wait. I like ice cream too. That's what you're supposed to say."
"What the hell? We just met."
"Lieutenant Colonel Guren told me that your family was killed by vampires, and now you have a hard time socializing." Yu glares at her while I remember that day. "Stop sticking your nose in other people's affairs. Tell Guren to put us on the vampire annihilation unit. We're strong enough to kill those scum!" Shinoa hands him a note. I step over and look over his shoulder.
I sigh as Yu reads it over. So Guren wants us to make a new friend, and introduce them to him. Yu obviously doesn't like that as he shouts "Damn you!" and throws the paper to the floor. "You're all making fun of me!"
"I think of us. Making fun of us." I add. Yu sighs, "right". Our awkward silence is interrupted as some boy falls into the room. He lands on the ground pleading to "please don't". Three boys, obviously stronger than him, stand above him.
"You make it sound like we're bullying you. I'm simply asking you to buy juice for your friends". I look up at Yu who glares at the bullies. "Well I'm going home". I look at Yu surprised. "Come on," the one bully says, "hurry up and work you head of cattle".
I freeze at the reference. "Hey, you!" I hear Yu. He didn't like that... "Hmm?"
"Leave him alone."
"Oh. So he's a good guy after all." Shinoa says with a smirk. Yu starts getting in their faces and I know this won't end well. "You wanna fight?"
"Oh, there's something ior got to tell you. If you harm civilians, and your punishment will be extended." "What?!" Yu shouts petite being punched to the ground. I grimace as he lands.
We carry the snacks in our arms. Yu groans, "Why do we have to do this?"
"I'm sorry, it's my fault." The boy, Yoichi, apologizes. "Oi, Shinoa. Why don't you help?" She laughs, "that's a funny joke."
"He wasn't joking..." I mutter. The snacks are starting to grow heavier with every step. "I'm really sorry." Yoichi shyly says. "And you! You've done nothing but apologize, quit it already."
"Why were those guys bullying you?" I ask. "T-they weren't bullying me."
"That what all victims say."
"I'm telling the truth."
"I wanted to ask Yamanaka-kun a favour. So I asked to be part of their group."
"Which ones Yamanaka?"
"You're a real blockhead." Shinoa mutters. I giggle slightly as he threatens to hit her with a can. "He's the one that got you." I say at the same time as Yoichi. "So what did you want from him?" Yu moves on. "I failed the admission exam for the Imperial Demon Army. I really want to join. And I heard that Yamanaka-kun was offered to join the famous Moon Demon Squad, which is part of the vampire annihilation force."
"Are you serious?!" Yu yells. I look around awkwardly, hoping he's not drawing attention. Luckily there's hardly anyone around. "The would let me in but they let him?!" Yu starts going on about how they've rejected him, and me, so far. Shinoa cracks a joke, but I focus on Yoichi, who begins to speak.
"But I...I must the death of my sister." He looks down. "My sister was killed protecting me. I was paralyzed with fear." He stares at the ground, remembering what must have been a horrible moment for him. Is it unfortunate that I can relate?
"I..." I snap out of it and focus again. "I can't forgive myself for not trying to save her. That's why-" Yu gently hits him over the head. I step forwards but stop as Yu speaks.
"You would've gotten yourself killed. You did the right thing."
"No buts. Forget the army. You're sister wouldn't want you to avenge her death. The army has no room for a spiked weakling like you."
"Yu..." He's gone too far. Yoichi stares at nothing with tears in his eyes. Suddenly, an explosion happens behind us and the alarm sounds. "Emergency! Emergency! A vampire has escaped the vivisection laboratory close to the school. Students and all personnel are to evacuate!"
We all look around in shock. "Why is there a vampire here?" Shinoa asks. "A-a vampire in our school?" Yoichi nearly whispers. "You three get away now! I'll-" before she can finish, Yu runs towards the school. Moron!
"Yu! Come back!" I call. "No! I'm going to kill that vampire!"
"That idiot..." Shinoa mutters. Oh, how I agree with her right now. Meanwhile, all the students freak out. Some break down and cry, others run, just run. My instinct is to run away, but I overcome it and run the way Yu went.
He'll need some help. "Alana!" I hear Shinoa call. 'I'm sorry' I think to myself, 'he's the only family I have now'.
I make it to the classroom as Yu faces off with a pink haired vampire girl. Yu yells at Yamanaka before the vampire girl speaks up. "You insolent...head of livestock!" Livestock...that word. It's the worst word I know.
All the memories, bad memories, that pop up, I'd rather forget what happened all...all those years ago. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear glass shatter. Yu and the vampire are gone. Only Yoichi, the girl, and Yamanaka are left. Was I 'gone' that long, or did this all happen too quickly?
This is my chance. "Yamanaka-san! Help me get the girl out of here!" He nods nervously and stands. With his help, the three of us get out with no problems. I gasp.
"We forgot Yoichi!" I look around and see Guren. I leave the girl to Yamanaka and run over. "What happened?"
"This idiot nearly got killed by a vampire."
"No! I nearly killed a vampire!" Yu and Guten bicker like a married couple as Yoichi comes running. "I'm so glad you guys are ok!" he yells happily. It seems like he's hiding something...he hops over the fence and crashes into Yu. I giggle a bit, and honestly, I laugh out loud when Yoichi accidentally knocks Yu unconscious with his hug.
"Now you'll have to keep your promise." Shinoa says to Guren. At first he seems fine, but then his eyes widen. "Eh?! Really?"
I race up the stairs towards the roof of the school. Yoichi had mentioned about someone, a vampire, saying "hi". It confused me, but I feel like I know who it could be. I burst out the door and breathe deeply. I look up but nothing is there. I thought I saw something white's likely nothing.
I'm being played a fool, aren't I? I sigh and turn. Something inside me had hoped that by some could have been Alexa.
Yu finally wakes up. His hand sticks in the air and a look of confusion on his face. Had he just remembers that day again? He always seems to when he closes his eyes... "Shinoa-san! Yu-kun's awake!"
I call. I turn to Yu. "We have good news." I smile. Shinoa walks over and speaks. "As of today, you are all members of the Vampire Annihilation Force."
"That means..."
"Like it or not, we're your partners now. Welcome to the Moon Demon Squad." Shinoa smiles. She sticks her hand out, and Yoichi places his on top. I smile and do the same. "What's this for?" Yu asks. "Just do it." I say.
"Damn..." But he puts his hand on top. "I'm looking forward to working with you".

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