Chapter 1: the weight of Expectations

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His Queen M.R
Chapter 1: The Weight of Expectations
Words : 1008

Y/n D'cruz, the daughter of a prestigious baron, had always been an outcast within her own family. Being the sole female heir, she had become a stain upon her family's reputation, a disgrace to their name and heritage. In a kingdom where male heirs were favored and celebrated, Y/n's very existence was deemed unworthy.

From an early age, Y/n had felt the weight of expectations and judgment press upon her shoulders. She was reminded daily of her "shortcomings" as a female heir, while her brothers, Xander and Carter, were hailed as the pride and hope of the D'cruz family.

Years later, fate bestowed upon the D'cruz family sons, Xander and Carter. Xander, the elder son at the age of fifteen, had already shown remarkable prowess with a sword. His skillful maneuvers and swift strikes impressed all who witnessed his training sessions. On the other hand, Carter, the younger of the two at fourteen, possessed an intellect that far surpassed his age. He was always there to support both Xander and Y/n, acting as a shield against any trouble they encountered.

While her brothers flourished in their respective domains, Y/n found solace in the pages of leather-bound books within the grand family library. With a book clutched in her delicate hands, she would lose herself in tales of adventure, romance, and mystery. Despite her father's insistence that she focus on acquiring more "ladylike" skills, Y/n had secretly taught herself the art of sword fighting. Her hidden talent remained concealed, buried beneath layers of societal expectations and restrictive gender roles.

Betrothal balls were a dreaded affair for Y/n, where noble suitors vied for her hand in marriage. The thought of being bound to a stranger through an arranged union filled her with dread and resentment. Since the age of ten, she had distanced herself from these events, refusing to participate and declaring that she "couldn't care less." Each passing betrothal season brought a temporary sense of liberation and relief.

However, little did Y/n know that her father had become entangled in his own ambitions. Behind closed doors, he plotted and schemed, seeking to elevate the family's status and secure powerful alliances. Unbeknownst to Y/n, her father had made a fateful decision—a decision that would shatter her freedom and plunge her into the clutches of a heartless prince.

The day arrived when Y/n's life would change irrevocably. Her father, with an unsettling gleam in his eyes, summoned her to his study. Anxiety prickled at her skin as she navigated the opulent corridors of their ancestral estate. The heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing her father's imposing figure behind his ornate desk.

"Y/n," he began, his voice laced with a combination of authority and calculated kindness, "I have made a decision that will shape our family's future. An alliance that cannot be ignored."

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as her father disclosed his plans. He had arranged for her to marry a prince, a man known for his aloofness and ruthlessness. The prince was infamous for his iron-fisted rule and his disinterest in matters of the heart. It was a union forged solely for political gain, with no regard for Y/n's happiness.

Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat. The mere thought of being wedded to a heartless man filled her with dread. She had always dreamed of marrying for love, of finding a partner who would see her worth beyond her gender. But now, those dreams were being crushed beneath the weight of duty and societal expectations.

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she mustered the courage to speak. "Father, please... I beg of you, reconsider. I do not wish to be bound to a man I do not love. Is there no other way?"

Her father's expression remained stoic, unmoved by her plea. "Y/n, you must understand the importance of this alliance. It is not a decision I make lightly. Our family's future depends on it."

"But Father, what about my happiness?" Y/n's voice trembled with a mix of fear and desperation. "Must I sacrifice my own well-being for the sake of our family's ambitions?"

Her father's eyes hardened, and a coldness settled over the room. "You will do as I say, Y/n. It is your duty as the heiress of this family. Your happiness is of secondary importance."

The weight of her father's words bore down on Y/n, threatening to crush her spirit. In that moment, she felt a surge of defiance rise within her. She would not allow herself to be a pawn in her father's game, a mere instrument of his ambitions.

With a newfound resolve, Y/n stood tall, meeting her father's gaze. "I will not marry a man I do not love," she declared, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "I will find my own path, forge my own destiny."

Her father's face contorted with anger and disappointment. "You dare defy me, Y/n? You will bring shame upon our family."

Y/n's heart raced, but she refused to back down. She had spent years feeling like an unwanted heiress, a burden to her family. But now, she would reclaim her agency and fight for her own happiness.

As she walked out of her father's study, determination burned in Y/n's eyes. She would face the challenges that lay ahead, navigate the treacherous path of love and duty, and discover her true strength. The journey towards her own destiny had just begun.

To be continued...

Chapter 1 is delving deeper into Y/n's struggles and her decision to defy her father's plans.

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A/n : I don't own any of the characters in the book all rights go to J.K Rowling and the actors in the Harry Potter movies

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