He's never done this befor

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      He finally came after 8months                  Colby walked in and I came to the balcony where the stairs are. "COLBY" I started to run with tears in my eyes. I tried to hug him and he pushed me away. "Colby, how are you still mad ITS BEEN 8MONTHS".Colby looked at me then went to his room and got all my stuff and threw it out(btw I moved in)"COLBY THIS ISN'T YOU" Sam came out and looked at Colby "Colby where have you been" Colby looked at Sam with anger in his eyes. I got down and cried while Sam tries to talk to Colby. After an hour of screaming between them I was still crying but nothing was coming out so I got up and went to guest bedroom and sat there. Trying to figure out what happened between us and I just couldn't figure it out so I went to sleep. I woke up screaming in a pool of blood and Sam and Mabye colby was both banging on the door than colby got threw. Then Sam saw me and ran over then colby pushed him away and went over to me crying. "I-I-I'm sorry. HELLO WAKE UP PLEASE I LOVE YOU IM SOOO SORRY" he picked me up and ran to the car with me bleeding still when I woke up I was in the hospital. I asked the doctor."where's Colby I need to see him please" I was trying to get up but I was strapped to the hospital bed. Colby runs in and hugs me with fear in his eyes "you woke up are you ok" "Colby what happened are you still mad at me"I said with tears. I looked at me wrists and saw cuts everywhere and my stomach was flat. I started to look scared then the doctor looked at me "hun you had your baby you been passed out for a couple hours" then they brought the baby in and Colby started to smile and cry then he picked it up and said " you said a while ago you wanted her to be Dakota right" I started to smile "yeah you remembered" "ofc baby why wouldn't I"


POV: you see Colby Where stories live. Discover now