Chapter one: love to dream

Start from the beginning

Miles just scoffs in disbelief. The boy can't believe she's trying to get him to do this. "I'm sure you'll love it when I accidentally stab you in the eye with a makeup brush." The sarcasm rolls off his tongue easily.

Y/n goes to speak but then stops herself, settling for a simple shrug of her shoulders. "Maybe." Okay no, not maybe. The girl would be pissed. But he doesn't need to know that.

"I'm gonna suck at this, Y/n." Miles sighs and falls on his back. The girl pulls a perplexed face on his lap. Her brain gets to working on how she could persuade him.

You might be asking why Y/n wants Miles to do her makeup, well the simple answer was that she was bored. The girl wanted to see how good he would be at this, it was the first thing that came to mind.

It shouldn't be all that hard for him, Miles is an artist. Whether he wants to deny that or not the boy had talent. Y/n was gonna remind him of that every day.

Lately, Miles hasn't made anything new, anything that the girl has seen anyway. Miles has either stopped making art or he started hiding it from her. She would rather go with the first one so here's where the makeup idea really came from.

Y/n was pulling at straws at this point.

Sure she could have asked to do that thing where you switch canvas every few minutes, the idea coming from instagram, but she's not an artist. And so, it didn't seem like a good investment to her. On Y/n's canvas there's gonna be a stick figure and a sun in the corner while Miles will have something that will blow her work out of the sky.

And it's not a who did it better contest to Y/n, no, never. The girl just knew she wouldn't have as much fun as him. And in turn that would make effect on his enjoyment. Hey, it was either this or go out in the world and live life, who wants to do that when you have four walls and a bed?

Or make out. But they could always do that. They were, always doing that. Once the two revealed their feelings for each other there was no going back, their lips were stuck to each other for weeks. They were stuck together for weeks.

The two are teenagers after all this was to be expected.

Everyone around them had to pretend they didn't notice until the two cooled down. And so, five months into the relationship the two finally gave their lips a break.

Everyone understood why. They are teenagers so of course they'll be lip-locking day in and day out. It was normal. And the two were just excited to finally be together, so of course that's how they spent their time.

When two best friends become something more it's never a big change, it's everything, everything along with the benefits, he had her at her worst, best and vice versa. And the best part about being in a relationship with your best friend?

"What if I said we could do something you'd really like after?" Was that you already know the person you decide to spend the rest of your life with. You don't have to quiz them on every known fact about their life because you were there for it all.

Y/n is leaning on his thighs with a pretty smirk on her face. And if she didn't have his attention then, she definitely had it now. Miles springs back up, now eye to eye, "I'm listening..." His hands are behind him as he props himself up.

Y/n lets a small chuckle leave her lips, his response was extreme but expected, "How about..a movie marathon, of your choice?" The girl knew as soon as those words left her lips she had him.

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