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I woke up early and very hungover. Lizzie was sprawled out naked on the bed next to me with her hair hanging over her body. I smiled and watched her chest rise and fall as she slept. I forgot to shut the blinds last night, so the sunlight was shining through the window and bouncing off her skin. I placed a kiss on Lizzie's back and then on her head, brushing some hair out of her face. I finally got up when my stomach started to rumble and covered my sleeping girlfriend, so she didn't get cold. I made my way to the bathroom and washed my makeup off my face from last night and brushed out my hair. I had on Lizzie's oversized white shirt, and I looked a little bit like a prostitute who had woken up in a rich, white man's house. With a. big yawn, I descended the stairs and made my way into the kitchen, seeing a half-awake Izelle scrolling on her phone on the sofa.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Oh hi, good morning," she mumbled, sitting up, "where is the bathroom?"

"Upstairs, second door on the right," I smiled, "do you want coffee?"

She nodded quickly, "that would be amazing, thank you," she said shyly.

I smiled and started to warm up the coffee machine. Opening a few windows and the back door as I did. The night did not exactly go as planned but I had a really good night regardless. Natasha was at her friend's house, so Lizzie and I had all morning until we needed to pick her up. I smiled at the memory of possessive Lizzie at the club and how she quickly switched from a sex goddess to mum mode when she saw someone in distress.

"Thank you," Izelle smiled when she came back downstairs, taking a seat at the kitchen island, "for last night and this morning."

"You don't need to thank me," I said, "how do you like your coffee?"

"I'll just have whatever you're having," she replied, biting on her cheek.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, pressing start on the coffee machine for her drink.

"Exhausted and violently hungover," she replied.

I nodded and gave her a few painkillers and a glass of water, "me too babe."

She giggled slightly and took the painkillers, "you and Elizabeth are really cute together."

"Thank you," I smiled, passing over a coffee, "I see a lot of myself in you Izelle."

"How so?" she asked.

"I'm not sure yet," I answered honestly, "you are literally me 10 years ago."

She hummed and took a sip of her drink, "how- are you like- okay?"

I giggled, "no," I answered honestly, "I haven't had it easy, but I've made it work ... my daughter and Lizzie makes it worth it."

She nodded, "I spent last summer in a hospital for my mental health and since then, everyone treats me differently. Like I'm about to break."

I nodded, leaning over the counter to face her, "I was in a psych ward, for 10 days after my daughter was born," I told her.

"Really? You don't-"

"Seem like the type," I finished with a smirk, "I didn't think so either but being in hospital had given me a perspective that I've never had before."

She furrowed her brows.

"It gets better," I said, "I know that sound cliché, but it really does Izelle. I have been in a few dark places in my life, but it got better. When I was about to give up, I met Lizzie and then we fell in love, and we had our daughter and then we split up. She cheated on me, so I left her on her own with our new born baby. I spent some time away and Lizzie and I co-parented for four years until we found each other again and now I can't imagine my life without her ... it gets so much better; you just need to give it time."

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