Chapter One: starting line

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I never gave much thought as to how my highschool experience would look like, but this definitely is not what I imagined when I was still playing with Barbies and plastic fruits

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I never gave much thought as to how my highschool experience would look like, but this definitely is not what I imagined when I was still playing with Barbies and plastic fruits.

A whole eight hours is taken out of my day and is spent on my patience quickly draining due to the exasperating squeals that escape from different aggravating teenagers around me.

My eyes scan around the classroom as my leg repetitively bounces up and down. I reach for my phone, quickly unlocking it and tapping on the messages app, seeing the 50+ unread messages from a group chat.

As I thought, all were from Eli. I ignore his rampage and hit play, quickly covering my ears with my headphones. I sigh, setting my phone down on my desk and reaching for a notebook along with a pen from my bag.

As I flip through the book to try and find a blank page, a pair of hands grip my shoulders making me jump in shock.

Irritated, I turn around only to be met the same green ones I saw the night before. I flip him off while he laughs uncontrollably. "Do you find that humorous?" I ask, annoyed.

"Only because it's you." he laughs as he proceeds to sit on the seat next to mine. A laugh escapes my mouth as I scan his attire.

"What's up with the emo outfit today?" His eyes shoot a glare at my direction as I bite my lip to hold my laughter inside. Eli and I have been friends since we were in diapers, and I'm quite certain he could send me to a psych ward with the amount of information he knows about me.

Speaking from the truth, my life would definitely be incomplete if I didn't have him by my side. His mom and mine have been friends ever since they were forced to live in a dorm during their five years spent in college, and since then, the two have been inseparable.

Even we can't wrap our minds around the fact that they stayed this close together by choice. Personally, once I can finally cut off all contact with these people, I'm cutting all ties the second someone shouts, "Go!"

On June 19th of 2004, both of our moms found out they were pregnant with us at the exact same time, and each year they have a tangent about how historical the date is for them. Nine months later, I came out of my mom's womb successfully, meanwhile Eli had decided that he didn't wanna come out yet.

For Eli and I, having our birthdays on the exact same day is like stealing candy from a whiny, screaming child; literal torture. One, we can't have one birthday apart from each other. Don't get me wrong, I love him and all, but I need a day dedicated only to me. Though, our birthdays are always full of laughter and smiles all day long.

I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I see the classroom door open from the corner of my eye. I keep my eyes focused on the board, trying not to draw attention to who just walked in.

Maxine Leblanc, a senior in Phoenix High who I've never seen interact with anyone but her small circle of friends. Her light brown hair blows away from her face while maintaining a tight grasp around her notebooks and the sleeves of her forest green sweater.

The sweater perfectly compliments her hazel-green eyes and black jeans she matched with the only pair of shoes I've ever seen her wear; black converse. I let out a breath I wasn't aware of holding in as my fingers rapidly fidget with my pen.

"Easy on the staring, Evans, otherwise you might accidentally drool." I hear Eli say. I then direct my eyes towards his direction, his face full of cockiness and smirks.

"Shut up," I flip him off. "And for the record, I was not staring at her, I was staring at the board you dipshit."

As if she heard, Maxine looks over at me, her eyes lingering longer than needed. My eyes fall to Eli's, meeting his cocky grin. "I am going to murder you after this." I mouth to him.

Just then, the door is forced open, making me lose sight of Maxine. I managed to stop myself from scanning around the room just to try and find where she went, and luckily I did or I would've never heard the end of it from Eli.

"Hey, stranger," I hear someone say from behind. I turn around to find Lilia smiling at me. I return the grin and give her a hug.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in, like, decades." She groans.

"I saw you last night."

Lilia rolls her eyes at me as if I'd just said something ridiculous. She throws her arm around my shoulders as we walk together.

"Okay, yeah, but it's different! We didn't have time to hang out."

"Yeah? Well you annoy me," I say, flicking her head.

She pauses, looks over at me, her mouth agape. "Lucille Evans, did you just flick me?!" I shrug, "you deserved it."

"I'm going to hit you—"

"What are you two fighting about here?" We hear Amber say.

All of a sudden, Lilia changes from Maleficent to Cinderella as she runs to her girlfriend. I watch in awe as she smothers Amber with kisses, her arms around her.

"Lucille practically harassing me."

"I don't know if i'd call it harassment," I laugh.

"Something tells me that maybe you deserved it." Amber says.

I let out a chuckle as Lilia glared at her girlfriend. And a thousand apologies later, Lilia's back to her lovey dovey self. I stood awkwardly til the bell finally rang.

"Please don't eat each other's faces, I wanna see you both tomorrow!" I say leaving them as quickly as possible.

Once I got far enough, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket to check my notifications. As I was doing so, someone bumps into me, my phone slipping from my grip, earning a groan out of me.

A book suddenly hits my chest along with a binder to my foot. "Fuck," I say furiously.

When I look up, I see Max's face cringe when she realises it's me who she bumped into. My brow raises when she sighs and kneels down to gather her things.

I bend down to help her, stacking her papers into one pile and handing them back to her. When I did, her face suddenly went red and I gave her a slight smile.

"Sorry, I um, wasn't looking." She says awkwardly.

I assure her that it was my fault, being the one whose eyes were focused on the tiny screen in her hands.

"Uh, here's your phone."

I grin as I take it from her hands. "Thanks, love."

"Yeah— sure," she stutters out.

My palms start to sweat at the awkwardness around us, so I move to the side and allow her to walk away. When I did, she mumbled a quick 'thank you,' then hurriedly rushed past me.

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