"Let him be mama, I'm sure our brother shall be there to support us on our debut. There just might be a few.... distractions, in the way." The humorous scoff Benedict let out was met with a fierce look from his younger sister, the siblings sharing a knowing look about their brother's whereabouts. "Oh, alright! Come Carina, we must make haste!", and off they were to the Queen's palace. "Coming mama!", but not before the siblings shared yet another meaningful look and let out the laughter bubbling in their throats upon their eldest brother's predicament.

There was no way their mother was letting this go so easily.


Arriving at the intimidatingly beautiful palace, Carina couldn't help but let out a nervous breath, and intertwined her fingers with Daphne's, just for a moment, to comfort both of their nerves.


She almost let out an unladylike laugh at the absurdity right then. Carina didn't even know what she was nervous about. She didn't really care for marriage or the Queen's opinions on the matter. The only reason she was really attending the season was because of her father. Always against being a slave in marriage, even as a young girl, she had sworn off even the mere idea.

After her father's death, she had decided to follow his wish and attend one season. Only, she put it off last year, and now, she could not put it off any longer. She figured, the idea of being forced to marry, or her intentions of being a spinster affecting her sweet sweet sister's season was what made her squirm so much. So putting on a brave face, Carina turned to face her younger sister when she caught sight of her eldest brother.

It seems Daphne did too as she let out, "Anthony, you are here!"
"Of course I am here, sister. I would never miss such an important day for both of you and our family."
Carina had to bite off a smile when their mother remarked, clearly angry, "No. You would just be late for it."
Offering her arm to Daphne, the two women were off when Anthony offered his hand to Carina, "Shall we?"

Carina immediately noticed his lack of gloves and let out a sharp, "Do not touch me with those hands Anthony Bridgerton or you shall face my wrath!"
Taking a laughing Benedict's arm instead of Anthony's, the three siblings walked together, with Carina in the middle.  The scowl on Anthony's face was instant, and a warning, for both her and Benedict.
"So now you won't even allow me to escort you? You are forgetting dear sister, I am Lord Bridgerton, people will talk." He ground out through his teeth in anger.

"God no, Anthony! Not when I do not know where those hands have been!" was all Carina could hiss out and noticing the look on his face, Carina was glad they were in public. For she was sure, the fear of witnesses was the only thing keeping Anthony from murdering her, and Benedict too by association, and perhaps for laughing. Seeing an escape upon reaching her destination, she took it without any hesitation, "We shall part here brothers, I must not make Daff and mama wait."

Today is a most important day, and for some a terrifying one, for today is the day London's marriage-minded misses are presented to Her Majesty the Queen. May God have mercy on their souls. It is only the queen's eye that matters today. A glimmer of displeasure... and a young lady's value plummets to unthinkable depths.

Following the Featherington's presentation, they were now anxiously waiting for their names to be called.
"Miss Carina Bridgerton,
Miss Daphne Bridgerton,
Both presented by their mother, the Right Honorable, the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton."

The doors to the grand throne room opened, and the world seemed to slow down. Swallowing her nerves, Carina braced herself- chin up, head held high, chest out and a sweet, alluring smile- just how she taught Daphne, and with utmost grace, the sisters walked up to the Queen in unison, with their mother few paces behind. Anyone who truly had eyes knew that this was it.

The sisters both flowed into the room like beautiful doves, with grace unmatched to any other, both being so in harmony with one another, it was like hearing someone play a beautiful melody. The tunes just seem to flow off of the instruments to the listener's heart. A song so peaceful, so simple yet utterly beautiful, it has anyone within the hearing range enraptured and completely enamoured.

And then, just as the Bridgerton family couldn't get any more perfect, the three ladies curtsied, in sync, so perfectly even the Queen's eyes gave away her astonishment at such perfection. Then slowly, so slowly that it had everyone in the room hold their breaths, Queen Charlotte raised from her throne, walked down, and lifted Carina's face with a finger underneath her chin. "Breathtaking! A rare jewel indeed my dear!"

There was something there in the way the queen smiled, so loving yet pained, seemingly at her own words, Carina didn't like it one bit. For it only means that the Queen has formed an attachment to her. And that meant the Queen's, and the ton's eyes, on her every move. One shall also not forget the horrific fate she might have to go through if this season ended up as a disappointment in the Queen's eyes, which Carina had no doubt, it surely will.

Now, Carina's plan for this social season was simple, it was to not draw any attention to herself. To simply, remain unnoticed. To not cause any scandal or not be the 'ideal debutante'. All so she could keep living her life in peace, and escape this season without difficulties by keeping the marriage minded suitors and the gossip hungry mamas of the ton at bay.

Only, this declaration from the queen ruined any chance of that. And while to anyone else she had a shy and overjoyed smile on her lips and a proud twinkle in her eye, Carina couldn't have been any more vexed than herself in reality. Oh- if only her mama could hear the profanities a lady shall never even hear, let alone utter, that were being thrown at herself in her mind. She would surely faint.

Blinking away the moisture in her eyes and moving on to do the same for Daphne, Queen Charlotte proudly announced, "Flawless, my dear." and then returned to her throne after a kiss to each young lady's forehead. While doing yet another perfect curtsy, Daphne questioned their mother in disbelief, "Did that truly just happen?"
And Carina could her her mama answering, "Keep smiling, dearest. They are watching you... now more than ever." and she had never agreed anymore with her mother, or hurled so many undignified words at her ownself before.

But as we know, the brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn.

But as we know, the brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn

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