Ziva's Home

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Tony's POV:

I'm sitting at my desk thinking about Ziva, as always. McGee always makes fun of me. But I can see in his eyes he misses her just as must as I do. Everyone does, I have walked in on everyone crying or nearly since I came home.

Ziva hasn't messaged any of us yet. I get that she needs time to herself, but she could at least let us know she's okay. It's been 10 weeks since I have seen her and I'm really starting to get worried.

At Tony's Apartment:

I'm looking at my phone. I spend my every minute at this point waiting by the phone hoping for a call. Suddenly I hear a knock at my apartment door. It's weird no one ever stops by, except Senior. He must be in town and trying to surprise me. I open the door and nearly fall over. Right in front of me is the last person I ever expected to see. I lounge forward before even thinking wrapping my arms around her. It's Ziva it's really Ziva. I can't help the tears that come to my eyes and I can feel her body shaking and the sound of her crying as well.

I pull away and help stabilize her walking over to the couch. There we sit and she keeps crying into my shoulder. "I missed you so much Tony" I just barely hear her say, in a mumble, between sobs.

"I missed you too Z." As I speak I can hear the tears in my voice. I know I have to continue holding back for Ziva's sake. "But I have to know why are you here?"

"I missed everyone, and there's something I have to tell you, but not right this moment."

"Is it bad Z?"

"No, or at least I hope not."

"Now you have me worried Ziva."

"I know Tony, but please can we just go to bed for now."

"Sure Z, anything for you."

I helped Ziva up from the couch and we slowly walked over to my bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and she slowly drifted off to sleep. Right before she fell asleep i just barley heard her say, "I love you Tony."

"I love you too Ziva, so much." With that, I give her a light kiss on the forehead and drift off the sleep.

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