Chapter 2

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I open my phone to search Google Maps and enter the concert's location. It is still early, like 2 hours before the concert starts but I have nowhere to go so I will wait there, as my spot is next to the stage. Lani sees that I search the location and ask me if I want to go with her considering that we need to arrive in the same place. To be honest I really hoped that she would ask me to join her as I really like her, she is the friendliest person I ever met. I could have asked her if I could join her but I was scared that I was being too bold.

As we head to the location, Lani says suddenly "If you want to, you can come backstage with me and meet Bailey before the concert". I petrify, I don't know what to say, I mean I really want to, it will be like a dream, but at the same time I feel very anxious, what if I will be too shy to speak to him and I will seem mean, what if I do something silly and I embarrass myself, what if he is not as nice as I think he is... a lot of questions and bad scenarios came through my head. But I know I have an anxiety problem that makes me run away all the time, I know that in the past I made some bad decisions avoiding fun things like parties and group meetings that maybe I would have enjoyed, but I didn't because I let my fears win. So I won't let this happen again! My heart might be pounding but I open my mouth and respond to Lani "Yes, I would love to, thank you so much for inviting me". She responses with a "your welcome" kind of smile and we continue to chat while we walk.

We arrive, we are about to enter backstage. Lani sees that I am nervous and she tries to calm me down "I understand you are nervous but I promise you have nothing to worry about, my cousin is a very nice person, and you are a nice person as well, he is going to like you". I smile and respond "Thank you so much, I still can not believe this is happening to me".

As we enter I can see how big this place can be, I never imagined it looks like this. As we get closer we can see Bailey and his crew. Lani hugs him and says "So glad you asked me to come and help you, I haven't seen you in a while". He responses "I am happy to see you too, who is your friend" she smiles at me and says "Her name is Sarah, I met her in the bus, she is a very big fan of yours so I brought her with me to meet you". Bailey looks at me, I look back at him and say "I am so happy to see you in person, I love your music, I literally listen to it day and night". He comes closer to me and hugs me. I feel like I just landed on the fluffiest cloud in the world, or maybe I am in haven and I don't realise it. I ask him if we can take a picture together and then I tell Lani that I need to go grab something to eat and that I will see them at the concert. We all hug goodbye and I leave. Maybe I could have stayed and help as well but I didn't want to seem nosy.

After I go to eat, I come back because the concert starts in 30 minutes. I occupy my spot near the stage and wait. It is getting very crowded really fast. The concert begins. Bailey enters the stage and everyone is screaming. He starts to sing and we all sing with him our favourite songs. When Religiously comes, he gets closer to the edge of the stage. I am holding my phone and my favourite jacket. He gets down, takes my jacket and he signs it. I scream and make eye contact with him as he similes and gives it back to me. This day could not be better. He continues to sing, showing us for the thousandth time how talented he can be, one of my favourite songs of all times, Fix'n to break.

After the concert is over, I grab my stuff and head for the exit when I hear someone screaming my name. I turn around and I see Lani waving at me. I get closer to her. She hugs me and says "How was the concert?" "I loved it, the best day of my life". "Good, I just wanted to give you my phone number". I didn't even realise we don't have each others phone numbers. She gives my phone back and then I tell her that I have go to the hotel. We say goodbye and we leave.

The hotel I am staying in is very beautiful. The room in big and decorated with a lot of paintings and flowers. I take a shower and change in my nightwear. I still can not believe Bailey signed my jacket so I go grab it to look at it again. I see the signature but I see something else as well. It is written very small but big enough to understand what it is. Seem like a bunch of numbers... OMG, there is no way he left his phone number on my jacket. I want to scream but I am in a hotel after all. How is this possible? Maybe I left a good impression on him and he wants to meet me again. It all seems like a dream. I will text him tomorrow, now is late and really need to get some rest.

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