He went straight to his room and crashed.


Friday, February 17th:

"See! There is nothing!" Wille said, shutting his laptop.

Felice grabbed the computer and opened it up again. "How long have the cameras been up?"

Wille walked around her room, thinking back. "Almost three weeks now."

"Well, the ball was last weekend, so it makes sense nothing went on then," Felice nodded, scanning through the video feeds at a high speed.

He sat down in her office chair. "My whole plan depended on getting something good by now."

"Sometimes you need to encourage the results you want," Felice said, closing the laptop. "The guy at the liquor store is infatuated with Maddie. Maybe we could arrange for a special delivery?"

Wille looked at her, amazed. "Fuck, you are so brilliant! That could totally work! Now how can we make sure they drink it all this weekend?"

Felice sat back against the headboard of her bed, her legs crossed. "Could you somehow make it look like it's from a former member of this club? An anonymous gift?"

"Ooooohhhh, that's good," Wille grabbed his phone, scrolling through his pictures. "Look, I took a picture of their Coat of Arms."

She glanced at the photo and scoffed, "Once a Traitorous Scumbag, Always a Traitorous Scumbag," she improvised. "At least in August's case."

"Do you have a printer? Could we put this image in the message, to make it seem from a member? The symbol is in a locked room."

Ten minutes later she had printed off the message, and put it in an envelope.

"I love how you mentioned it was to celebrate the school's Jubilee, and hinted this member might drop in on Saturday night," Wille said, feeling much better.

"Security around the school will be intense starting on Monday, preparing for the Queen coming on Friday," Felice added.

"How would you know that?" Wille asked. His mother had appeared a few times, and he couldn't recall any higher security efforts.

Felice shrugged. "They did a pretty thorough one before you and Erik came to the school in November. Any larger planned event, you know. This one will have a lot of media, so even more risk to it."

"So, you are going to organize this? Get the booze and send the message to August?"

"Yes!" Felice said. "I feel bad I haven't found out anything good about your mother's first romance. "

"Oh, don't worry about it. It was over twenty years ago, and she was probably very discreet," Wille got up, grabbing his laptop. "I let you know if we get anything good this weekend."


Tuesday, February 21st:

"OK, I'm here. What's the big emergency?"

Wille's heart was thumping, and he could feel the smouldering ember of anger and hate towards this asshole flaring up. He just needed to do this right.

"Shall we go into your secret room? We will want privacy for this conversation," Wille said, his voice cool and controlled.

August scoffed, pulling out his keys, and unlocking the door.

They stepped inside, and Wille glanced around. It looked like it had when he had entered the previous times, any mess from the last weekend cleaned up.

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