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Long time ago, after the world was made, there were various species who dominated amongst the land.
From villagers to illagers, from pigs to creepers, all of them coexisted, and maybe fought each other for their own safety and health, but in the end they were all the same exact thing ; living beings.

And still, there were two of those species who seemed to have a peculiar intelligence.

Humans and endermen.

Both very different in appearance, but very similar still.

They shared some sort of connection, placing blocks and moving around, although  they might not have the same abilities.

Humans could touch water, but endermen couldn't.

And endermen could naturally teleport, but humans couldn't do so.

The two could move blocks around.

The two could attack.

The two could even coexist around each other if they respected each other's boundaries, and maybe that's what made them so special.

But one day, someone decided to test out a crazy idea.

Yes, you already know what was that idea.

And (un)luckily, it worked.

The first monster-human hybrid had been born, truly a very strange start of a new species between two different species, but somehow compatible enough to procreate.

(God this is awful to explain.)

This specific new mob was somehow way more advanced than an average enderman, but still very different from a human itself.
It's bright purple eyes were the same as their parent, and their body was the same as a human child.

Until, even if it was obvious it would happen, the parents had somehow been killed.
The human had gotten into a though fight, and the enderman was killed by another human to get it's enderpearls.

So now the small hybrid was alone.

All alone.

And not even monsters wanted them around.
Endermen would just glare and silently judge. Whenever the small creature would beg for attention and care, they'd be so cruel to teleport away and leave them behind.

Humans weren't so different. If they were to stumble upon the child, they would run away and scream out or cover their eyes at such monstrosity, the ender even tried to ask for food, only to be greeted by an arrow almost hitting their heart, forcing them to teleport to a safer place.

It was truly sad, watching them try and try to get the smallest piece of love they had been yearning for so long, asking themselves each day.

' Will I ever be cared for? Will someone ever love me? Is this the punishment for being like this? '

And the questions would go on, as the small little tears would slowly fall to the ground, looking down for a way to comfort themselves.

If they weren't mute, they'd scream out at the world for making them like this. For making them disgusting to all eyes. For making them have to confront all of this alone. For taking away the only hope they had.

For creating them at all.

And the world would have to respond at some point, right?

Seems like this is how it all starts for the little (Y/n).

( Heya!  So this is quite obvious, but I've been taking a strange liking to MCSM again! I decided to grab one of my favourite mobs and combine it with the game, creating whatever this is aknskaks)

(Hope you liked this prologue! I'll see when I can upload the first chap, for now, bye bye!)

Eye Of The Ender (Child! Ender! Reader x MCSM)Where stories live. Discover now