don't shoot me

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"Okay then give me twenty minutes, just gotta check if this girl is okay and lock everything behind me." He said making his way out of the house. We were all standing there frozen not knowing what to do until Olivia went to the door and locked it. "What are you creeps looking at, he asked us to lock everything so get off your asses and go lock everything." She says and I guess for once I wasn't the only one looking at her. 

"You too gay kid and don't give me that look." I chuckle, no one has ever talked to Harlan like that and even he is shocked. We all went and started locking every door and window in the house. I couldn't stop thinking about her though, the way she is. Not only is she the prettiest girl i've ever seen, but she's also funny and smart, well not book smart she just knows a lot about a lot of things. She's fun to be around and always brings comfort everywhere she goes, she's someone who always knows a way to put a smile on your face. Even if I haven't talked to her as much as I would have liked to, I remember every conversation we had and I could listen to her talk all day long. 

"It's okay nothing's out there." Harlan told us and I look around but don't see her. "You sure?" Blake asks him unsure but I don't really listen to them anymore instead I look around us to see Everett join us but still not her. 

"What else can you do like she can run fast. Like, really fast."

"He's strong."

"What about you?" Blake asked me getting my attention back to their conversation. "Smell, what about Olivia, what can she do?" I ask her but she looks at Everett and he looks at her showing they both don't know. "She's Olivia, just a bit weird sometimes." Blake says and I guess Olivia doesn't have anything special then. "So we each have one ability?" and there we go again, they keep asking questions which I understand but it's not like we have all the answers for them, I wish we did. 

Instead of listening to them I walk around the house seeing if I can find Olivia and I do she's standing looking out of one of the windows in my room. I don't think she knows i'm in here because she's still looking outside having one of her hands on the window, almost as if she's concentrating on something. 

"What are you looking at?" I ask her walking closer to her, to stand next to her also looking out the window. I'm trying to see what it is she's seeing, but I don't see anything. "There's something out there." She says still looking outside and I try and see if I can smell it and I do, it smells like anger. "Don't you feel it, there's someone out there and it wants to hurt us." She finally turn around facing me. "Yea, I can smell it now. We should go down and warn the others." I tell her taking her hand leading her downstairs to the others. 

"Someone is out there." I tell them and just as I do there is a loud knocking on the door making us all jump. "Don't open it." Everett tells Harlan who was about to go open the door. "Why?" He qeustions Everett. 

"Because they could kill us dumbass." Olivia said and I could still hear the fear in her voice. whatever she felt must have scared her pretty badly. "I'm pretty sure the werewolf wouldn't bother knocking, before he comes to rip us apart." Blake Said but I could tell Olivia wasn't having it by the way she looked at Blake, she never looks at Blake that way. "Fine, go ahead but don't say I didn't warn you." Olivia said before walking away and I hesitate for a moment before I follow her into the office. "Are you okay?" I ask her in almost a whisper scared that she'd want to be alone right now. She didn't answer me though instead she paced around the room. "I can leave." I was cut off just as soon as I said it. "Don't leave."

"It's just that, you didn't feel it. You won't understand it, Whatever is after us it's been watching closely." She says now facing me looking down at her hand while she plays with her rings. "Then try and tell me, I'll believe you whatever it is, I will listen." I hold her hand to try and calm her down which seems to help, she's now looking directly into my eyes. "It's like the night you brought me home, I think I felt it then too it's that same anger." That means it knows where she lives if it was there, I can't imagine how scared she must be right now. "What are you feeling right now, can you still feel it?" She just shakes her head.

"I feel calmness, but I think that's you and not the crazy werewolf out there." She says giggling, but right now that's kinda stressing me out because she can feel what i'm feeling does that mean she can also feel that i'm completely in love with her. "It's a good thing though, I like being around you." She says and I look down at her lips before looking back at her eyes hoping she didn't see. "I also just like you." She adds before leaning in and I do the same thing, but just before our lips could meet the door opens and we quickly back away from eachother. 

"Where is Harlan?" I ask them noticing my brother isn't with them. "He went outside to talk with officer Miller." Everett told me and I immediatly grab my phone calling my dad outside of the office. 

"No, dad, he's outside. He's talking to him right now. Yeah, it's the same cop" I answer all his questions and he tells me he's on his way back before the door slams open and Harlan storms in out of breath. "The cop. It took the fucking cop." Harlan tells me out of breath. "What?" I ask confused what does he mean it took the cop. "It's outside. It's right outside the house."

Olivia pov: 

While the twins are out there i'm stuck in this office with Blake and Everett who are being extremly weird, all they would do is just stare ahead of them or look at eachother but not say a single word. I tried to talk to Blake but she didn't seem to even hear me and honestly after a minute I already gave up. 

"We should go check it out, why are we even still in this stupid office." Blake said out of nowhere and I guess she woke up from whatever world she was in. "Sure." I say rolling my eyes. They start to slowly walk out the door looking around for the twins. "I don't hear them." Blake says as we look around only to find an empty house. "Luna?"

"What if they're just outside talking to the cop or something?" I say but seem to be ignored yet again on this beautiful evening. "We gotta get out of here." Blake says and I bet she already has it all planned out in her brilliant little brain. "Why would we do that? We're safe in here." I tell them but yet again ignored, i'm telling you what is up with them today. "We'll go out the back door." Blake says leading the way and I look back to see if maybe Luna would be there to stop us but she isn't. "What if it's still out there?" I ask her and she turns around rather fast snapping at me. "There's nothing out there, Olivia! If you want to stay fine, but i'm going!" 

"Fine then go, see for yourself. You don't always know what's best Blake." I say before going back to the kitchen. I don't want to see her anymore right now. I don't want her to see how her words could actually hurt me. I don't know what's up with her, but I don't like it one bit. hearing them on the phone with someone but I don't care, if they want to die tonight that's on them i'm not gonna stop them anymore. 

I was just playing a game on my phone when I hear a gunshot coming from just outside the house, so I put my phone away and go check it out. When I got outside I saw Blake and Everett on their knees down on the ground. Luna and Harland standing behind them with Harlan having a rifle in his hands. I stepped on twig resulting in Harlan aiming the rifle at me. "It's Olivia, It's Olivia!" Luna said lowering Harlans hands and I put my hands up. "Damn, don't shoot me."

"Can someone please tell me what the hell happened?" 

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