*~Its called FUN~*

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guys.... we're are nearing the end of the book. I'm sad and scared.


It was all Paintbrushes fault. THEY LET LIGHTBULB TAKE OJ, AND I JUST WANNA...
(angry Paper noises)
I've been with OJ in the hospital for a couple hours, and he's still unconscious. I touched his arm, which was a in a cast. And he woke up. He looked scared at first and looked at me.

"Whats going on? WHERES LIGHTBULB?" He signed.

(He can't speak, sign

"She's in the other room. Why did you go out!?" I asked.

OJ looked at me, disappointed. I cupped his face in my head, but he quickly turned away from me. I looked confused at him. He's never had a problem with it. I shook his shoulder, and he still didn't look at me. I shook him again, and he turned to look at me.
He looked... mad.

"OJ, what's the matter?"

"Why can't I do what I want?"

"I'm just looking out for you!"

"But that experience with Lightbulb was cool, and I enjoyed it!"


"SO!? I was enjoying myself outside. I was having FUN. And you just go and take it away. What happened to carefree you?"

He turned back around, and started crying. I patted him on the shoulder, and he shook my hand off of it. I walked all the way to the otherside of the bed, and lifted his face. Eye wiped his eye and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He frowned, but I could see him blushing.

"I'm just trying to keep you safe. Don't say I don't want for you to be you! It's just that... I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"You getting hurt. I don't want what happened last month to happen again..."

I could feel my throat throb in pain and nose run, I must have started crying. OJ patted me on the head with his hand and smiled. I gave him a hug, as he started screeching in pain. I heard a knock at the door, a doctor and Paintbrush.

"Hello, Mr. Paper."

"Good day, sir."

"OJ seems okay for now... other than his legs right now."


"They both been severely damaged, and either crotches or a wheelchair is necessary for a while."

I nodded my head at everything the doctor tried and told me, but I got lost when Paintbrush signals that he wants to have a talk outside. After the doctor finished his forever speech, I went up to Paintbrush and OJ to stay put. (He would anyway.)

-Paintbrushes POV-

I finally got Papers attention. I wasn't going to yell at him or anything, I was just going to ask him a simple question.

"Hey Paper." I greeted.

"What do you want?" He said.

"I have a question. Why did you blame this entire scenario on me?"

"You were the one that let them go."

"But I didn't know something was wrong with OJ. I've been staying at Knife's place for a while, I didn't know any of this happened."

Before Paper could say anything, he stopped. It looked like he though about something, then continued speaking.

"Sorry. I never thought it through. I was just so upset and uhhh...nevermind.

I laughed at his response and told him to go back to his room, and I went to go check on Lightbulb. She had a small cast on her hand and bandage on her forehead. She waved at me, and told me how cool she would now be and how's she's no longer a wimp because she has a scar. I sat next to her and gave her a sketchbook of mine. I gave her a pencil and told her sketch me something as was going to talk to TT and fan.

-Fans POV-

that. was. Epic. Only if I could've caught the moment, but I would've gotten in trouble. Paintbrush came over to Testube and me and asked us a bunch of questions. I never cared to what he asked, I was writing on my blog what happened. Testube slammed my computer down and told me to listen. I lost interest to quickly and didn't care.

You know... what did happen?

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