24. Chapter (Together)

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Hey it's me I'm the problem it's me

Time: ?
Place: Carnival

"We're so awful at this talk y/n" he chuckled and so did I

And it was at that moment that I felt his hand crept up and covering my palms with his own and bringing it closer to my face

Which ultimately led us having a intense eye contact.

Don't die don't die don't die keep breathing keep breathing keep breathing .

"I did fall for you long back"

I almost choked trying to control my internal squeals.

"C/n I'm the worst when it comes to communicate"

I paused a bit but

"I did too"

Now I'm smiling like an complete idiot intensely in thought if I should keep looking at him or look away

I saw the prettiest and the most precious smile ever form on his face

Now the atmosphere was a little less dense

We laid back on our car seats relaxing from the sudden occurance of tension

Before turning on the engine he said without turning
"Well thinking about communication skills this took us about 5-6 years"

"Well my bare minimum time needed to express a feeling of mine is 2-3 years"

He just raised his eyebrows on that response.

could I BE any happier?

As we reached back and got out the vehicle.
I had this weird new feeling

Something I never felt before

But it's still like I've been waiting for this feeling for ages

He stopped for a little while admiring the nature the buildings, the city.

And I just placed my head a little tilted on his shoulders

"Well how long you've liked me for?" He asked

"The Night We Met" I said in a really low voice almost whispering

It was but just as beautiful as it is today. It's like I am back to the same night before.

As we entered we naturally went to my room without any conversation. Almost absent mindedly

"How about you casually tell Rohan and I casually tell the girls ?" I suggested after we laid down on our backs facing the ceiling

"You don't need to worry it'll be fine"

"They're the first people who deserve to know it C/n" I said

"It'll be all fine calm down" He said letting out a sigh

"Are you sleepy?" I said as he let out a yawn

"Maybe but having my crush laying by my side isn't letting me going to sleep soon"

I just let out a chuckle
Will it weird to use the phrase
'a blushing mess'?

"Never thought we'd ever meet again after the last day of our college"

He turned around a bit and I saw his expressions softened

"Those two years without you were weird Y/n"
His tone saddened a bit

Well I just mustered all my courage and hugged him by his side or in other words cuddled

And he smiled and wrapped his arms around me while we both dozed off to sleep


I naturally woke up like any other normal human
No birds chirping
No warm feeling of sun, it was burning hot

But the best feeling of someone laying beside me as I saw up to take a look of him. I saw he was already awake glaring at the window pane

"You're up?"

"You're absolutely correct Sherlock"

How does he have the energy to put up a sarcastic joke so early in the morning

But as the temperature felt perfect and obviously the bed feels like heaven in the early morning

I snuggled again inside.
That was until he removed the blanket and started talking

"How come your brain is functioning completely fine and normal while I can't even remember the name of the planet I live in or who am I?" I asked sitting leaning on the frame of the bed a little

He just laughed and got off the bed and brought me a glass of water

"The ultimate guidance to get refreshed you know" he said roaming and playing with his fingers around my hair near the scalpe

"Mhm much better" I nodded a bit as showing a gesture of thank you

"You literally had cake, cotton candy and sugarcane juice for dinner and if anyone would look at you they will say that you're having a bad hangover" he pointed out

"Well sharing a bed with you surely is intoxicating" I said still sipping water at a slow pace

He just chuckled and looked away with the slightest red tint visible on him

"You're free today?" I asked with my hopes high

"Yeah everything was packed up yesterday"


I just happened to look at the time and it was almost the time to have breakfast

"Well we gotta get ready and head to have breakfast" I said pulling my hair band and again making it into a neater ponytail

Well it's just amazing to see him lie back on the bed and looking at me with aw

I did the deed (does this count as a pun?)

After getting ready which meant putting sweatpants on and exiting the bathroom with the absolute luxurious yellow light I saw him still in the same position before.

"Hey Cinderella" I chirped

He just gave me a 'what now?' look

"I just thought you were waiting for your fairy godmother to get ready for breakfast right"

He said nothing but went outside the room. Predictable enough that it was for breakfast


"C/N hasn't been picking up any of my calls ugh where is he?" Rohan said in frustration

Nikita almost choked on her scrambled eggs
"Wogh uogh cough"

"I think I know" Anv said passing a glass of water towards Nikita while Rohan patted her back

"Yeah me too" C/n said taking seat around the table casually with his hair being evidently messy enough to assume that he just woke up

Just at that time Y/N also returned to the table without exchanging any eye contacts with anyone and took a seat near by Anv.


So this was it for this chapter guys. Hope you have a great time reading this book and yeah just be happy and keep smiling ( ◜‿◝ )♡

The night we metOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora